part 10
Quickly freezing when the light cut through her susceptible eyes, Brill quietly noticed:
- I'm sorry, Conner. I didn't think about your feelings. - accepting her apology, he looked at her with a softened look. - I'm glad you're with me," she continued, giving him such a rare, shiny smile lately, and Conner shook her hand with hope. With her brother's support, Brill felt the stone fall off her soul, albeit only for a while.
Conner breathed a sigh and looked back with curiosity at the magnificent decoration.
- One thing the French can not refuse ... - he began seriously - they are experts in expanding the boundaries of decency - he wanted to laugh, hinting at the obscene eyebrows of the statues of naked women, framing the main staircase.
For a second, Brill wanted to be horrified by her brother's endless obscenities but then gave up the idea. And what was the point? He constantly confirmed the title of a complete and complete fool. Besides, it was really funny.
Brill held her palm to her mouth, hiding the laughing stock from her lips in response to an outrageous comment. Her brother was one of the few people who could break through the veil of grief that seemed to separate her from the rest of the world forever. Conner made her forget that she was different, forget what she had found and lost. Next to him, she felt young again. He reminded Brill of the time when they were telling each other ghost stories at night and making faces through the dining table. Always reminded her of the time when they were all happy before father and mother died before she buried her husband and had to raise her daughter alone.
But, as usual, laughter ran out of Brill's eyes, making her face look empty - even though she kept smiling.
- Are you an expert on decency? It seems to me, dear brother, that it was you, naked and drunk, who ran through the Scottish wastelands after your eighteen-year-old party," she said, hoping to confuse his memories. But instead of showing the slightest sign of shame, Conner threw his head back and laughed; the freckles on his nose stood out sharply in the light of the lamps.
- I forgot that, Bree! Damn it, if that wasn't the best drink I ever had! Irish whiskey is the best in the world.
Brill raised her eyes to the sky and pulled him up the main staircase.
- Let's go. Let's get out of the crowd. I'm tired of all these rich old chickens staring at me.
Conner looked over his sister's head; his eyes were hardened. "If only the elderly rich aristocrats were staring at her, I wouldn't be so worried. She does not even realize that men never pay attention to her hair - they are too distracted by her face, "- he thought, briefly shrieking at the staring at them in the direction of the French aristocrat. He shuddered at Conner's inappropriate behavior and quickly turned away. Brill, continuing to pull his brother's hand, did not suspect either of the exchange of views taking place over her head or that played at this time behind the scenes theater.
Christine sat in front of a huge mirror in her dressing room, distractedly looking at her pale reflection. The sleeve of a Spanish peasant woman's suit slipped off her creamy shoulder imperceptibly. The girl seemed to be in a trance and was not aware of what was going on around her. The two young assistants were busy laying her long curls for the upcoming performance, but she did not react to their presence.
She only looked in the mirror, which now kept so many memories - good and bad. A lonely tear rolled out of her big brown eyes and crawled down her cheek. She wiped it off quickly with a shaking hand, still not moving. After taking a moment, Christina took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the tremors in her whole body.
She knew that today she would destroy a man who had been her protector and teacher for many years. She would break his heart into thousands of pieces, and when she did, part of her own heart would break with him. The affection and respect she once had for her angel ran away from the jealous and temperamental man she had recognized. His powerful and impulsive actions scared her more than ever before, frightening his naked face. But she saw that there were no other options. If she wants to be happy, she will have to do as Raoul said. And she was desperate to be happy. Happy with her beautiful and gentle Raoul.
Cristina turned her back on the mirror and walked into the hallway. The assistants followed her through with the final manipulation of her hair and costume before the signal of her coming on stage.
She could not lie to herself and claim that Angel's face had not pushed her away. The shock of the sight of his ugliness deprived her of the gift of speech for a time, terrifying her to the core. She never thought in her life that a human being could be so ugly that normal facial features could be so distorted and broken. Even now, when she thought about it, her heart started jumping and her stomach twisted. What she saw on the right side of his face was a terrible contrast to the left. As if in mockery, the left side of his face was inexcusably good. The strict line of the jaw, the straight aristocratic nose, and the bright blue eyes together created a picture of perfect male beauty. "Meanwhile, the right side of his face...
Only she began to plunge into her thoughts, as Raoul noticed, with a tense face coming out of the side corridor. When she saw him, Christina left her thoughts behind and rushed into his arms. The young assistants fell behind, leaving them alone.
- Raul, I'm afraid," Cristina cried as he soothed her and covered her forehead with gentle kisses.
- Everything will be all right, Christine. After that night, we can be together. - She nodded and reluctantly released herself from Raoul's arms. - I will be watching from the auditorium. Each door will have a security guard. He won't be able to hurt anyone else. - Raoul walked her to the stage and left her with the other performers. He looked at her with a last look of encouragement, then turned around and rushed to his seat in the auditorium.
Cristina stood there, wringing her hands while the lights went out and the ramp lights went up brighter. The curtain was raised, opening the choir, standing among the scenery depicting hell. Wooden flames and clubs of artificial smoke made the spectators breathe awe, but when the choir sang, all other sounds stopped.
Panaji, the leading tenor, took his place on the stage next to the leading baritone. The overweight singer soon disappeared behind the red curtain, signaling Christine's departure. When she stepped directly to the ramp, her shiver subsided, and the anxiety on her face was replaced by a dreamy expression. Among other things, she was a great actress. "And have mercy on me over the sky for what I have to do now.
to be continued...