Alexander Yatsko is known to his fans not only as a brilliant theater actor, but also as an actor who has acted in Russian and foreign films.
Alexander was born in 1958 in Minsk. At school, the boy dreamed of becoming not an artist but an architect, so after graduating from school he entered the Polytechnic Institute, where he mastered the specialty of architect.
After graduating, Alexander revised his views on the future profession and went to Moscow to enter the theater school. He managed to pass the entrance exams from the first time, and he became a student of the Moscow Art Theater School.
Alexander began his career on the theatrical stage at the Theater on Taganka under the direction of Anatoly Efros. However, a few years later, he changed the team and became a part of the Mossovet Theater troupe.
On this stage, he works to this day. As for the actor's career in film, for a long time Alexander got an episodic role, which could not bring fame and fame.
Only by the beginning of the 2000s in the actor's luggage artist appeared in the big roles in the movies. From the films with his participation can be noted such as "Young Wolfhound", "Adventurers" and the series "March of Turkish".
Alexander is married. His lady's name is Elena Valushina, and she, like Alexander, is an actress of the Mossovet Theater. Alexander and Elena became parents of two children, a boy and a girl.