Although it is desirable to walk in any weather, sometimes the weather is such that from home, and the truth, the nose is not stick out. Or a walk may not take place because of the health of the baby. But to create a winter mood and fun to play with your baby in the winter games is quite possible at home: leave the snowflakes, build a snow fortress, and if you imagine that the snowflakes suddenly became very big - then play with them. What will it take? Very little: white paper, white plastic cups, cotton wool and your imagination. And if you decide to play at home in the winter forest - then a few more nuts. Most games will suit children from 2 years old. Here we go!
Homemade snowballs
What's the kids' favorite pastime? Of course, snowballs!
At home, snowballs can be crumpled sheets of paper (optionally, you can cut into pieces of baking paper). To avoid wasting paper on snowballs every time your baby wants to play, you can store snowballs in a box or cellophane bag.
After a few games, it is better to replace the snowballs: they will become softer, will not fly well and will give a lot of dust.
With home snowballs it is easy to come up with a lot of games.
Snowball (2 or more people)
What you need for the game: Snowballs from sheets of paper.
Separate the snowballs by the number of participants. Divide the room into 2 halves. The task of the players is to try to throw snowballs from their half to the half of the opponent in the allotted time (for example, in 1 minute). The player, on whose half of the snowballs will be less, won.
The game will be more interesting if you make each player fortification of pillows, boxes, put on the floor chairs. To extract snowballs will have to make sortie out of the shelter. And the player who will win after 3 minutes in the shelter will have fewer snowballs.
Who will throw further (1 or more people)
What you need for the game: snowballs from sheets of paper, a long corridor. It's better if each participant has snowballs of their own color in the game.
Mark the throw line. Players take turns throwing 3 snowballs (the number of snowballs may be different). The player whose snowball will fly on wins.
Throw and win! (1 or more people)
The game will suit children who already know how to count.
What you need for the game: snowballs from sheets of paper, a long corridor.
Mark the line of throw and a few lines in the direction of the throw after 1.5 -1 m. The aisle will be divided into several zones. Agree on how many points the player will get for hitting the snowball in a certain zone. (We have floor puzzles with numbers, and we used them to separate the zones.)
Players get 3 to 10 snowballs (the older the baby, the more snowballs you can take). First, one player throws snowballs, then another player throws snowballs. When a player throws all his snowballs, calculate the number of points depending on the areas where the snowballs fell. The winner is the one who has the most points.
You can also play this game alone. Encourage your child to improve their results with each series of shots, trying to throw all the snowballs in the farthest zone.
You can throw snowballs in different ways:
- with your right hand or left hand;
- from below and over the head;
- with both hands at the same time.
Exactly in the target (1 or more people)
What you need for the game: snowballs from sheets of paper, pelvis, or bucket, or a large box.
Divide the snowballs between the players equally. Snowballs will be thrown into the pelvis by players one at a time. The player who manages to throw more snowballs into the pelvis will win.
If the child plays alone, count the snowballs that hit the target. This way the baby will see how his marksmanship improves.
Snowball (1 or more competitors)
What you need for the game: snowballs from sheets of paper, catapult, pelvis or paint tape. The catapult can be made of a spoon or a wide ruler, putting it on a box.
Divide the snowballs between the players equally. With the help of the catapult, players throw snowballs who's next in line, in the pelvis or in the paint tapeed areas.
Shooting by task (1 or more people)
What you need for the game: snowballs from sheets of paper, small sheets of paper with names or drawings of objects and places in the house where you can throw a snowball (for example, a corner, sofa, armchair, table, closet). When drawing targets, pay attention to objects that could fall if snow falls into them.
Determine where the child will enter the snowflake from. The child pulls out a leaflet with a picture and tries to hit the place where it is drawn or written with a snowball.
Especially children like to throw snowballs on the closet. But please note that asking your daddy to get the snowballs on the cupboard may not be very enthusiastic.
Assemble the snowballs (1 or more participants)
What you need for the game: paper snowballs or snowballs - lumps of cotton, buckets, plastic bowls or boxes by number of participants.
Spill snowballs on the floor. Distribute a bucket to each participant. The task of the baby is to collect as many snowballs as possible in the bucket while the music or song is playing. If the buckets aren't very large, show your baby how to compress the snowballs.
The game can be a little more complicated: instead of a bucket to give your baby a plastic container or box. They can only be worn on the head, can be held with one hand, but not on the floor. The goal of the game is to collect as many snowballs as possible in the container. But you need to be very careful, because when tilting behind another snow, there is a risk of pouring out of the container already collected snowballs.
Snow shooting gallery
What you need for the game: 10 paper snowballs purposes, 10 rolls of toilet paper, 20 cc's or 10 plastic cups to install snowballs - targets, paper snowballs to shoot down.
Place 10 target snowballs on the floor or an elevation on rolls, dice or cups. If there is nothing suitable, the snowballs can simply be laid out. It is good if you can put or spread snowballs into 2 or 3 levels (you can use boxes or books).
The task of the baby is to shoot down as many targets as possible in 10 snow throws.
It will be great if you have small prizes. Determine how many hits the prize is due for. Prizes, such as candy, can be wrapped in paper and hung on a rope. Having knocked out the right number of snowballs in the dash, the baby can come up and cut off the prize he likes. Alternatively, you can cut the prize with your eyes closed, or the prizes can be ranked: this prize is for 5 hits out of 10, this one for 6, etc., and the biggest prize is for a strike (knocking out 10 out of 10).
Snowflakes of cotton wool
Before the games that the baby likes to reincarnate, we can say that now you will turn into a winter breeze and a little gambit. Snowflakes are small lumps of cotton wool. You can use ready-made white pompoms.
Who is faster (2 or more players)
What do you need for the game: a cotton candy snowflake, a table.
Place one cannon snowflake for each player on the edge of the table. The task of the players is to blow the cannon snowflake to the other side of the table with a few strong exhalations (breathe in through the nose). The winner is the player whose snowflake canvas is on the other side of the table faster.
Who has more strength? (1 or more players)
What you need for the game: cotton candy snowflakes, pencils, table
Put your pencils on the table, put your snowflakes in between. The task of the baby is to blow out the snowflakes on the floor with one deep, strong exhalation (breathe in through the nose). If you have more than one player, the player who can blow away more snowflakes wins.
Snow billiards (1 or more players)
What you need for the game: snowflakes, cotton pads, a few plastic cups, scotch, straws or cardboard tubes from foil or food film.
Attach plastic cups around the perimeter of the table with scotch so that their top edge is just below the table. If the baby plays alone, place a snowflake slide in the middle of the table. The task of the baby - blowing into snowflakes through a straw or tube, to drive them into cup holes.
If you have several participants, it is better if the holes of the participants will be of different colors. The winner is the one in whose holes there will be more cannon snowflakes.
In addition to training the respiratory system, this game has one plus: children, moving around the table at the same time, learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other people. If there is a jolt around the table, place or place the participants on one side of the table, place the holes (1-2 per participant) on the opposite side of the table and divide the snowflakes, cannons equally between the participants.