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How to redo the Ural: the wing

Domestic opposition (Dnipro, Ural, K-750) is still an actual inexpensive motorcycle for not very rich bikers. At the same time second-hand Japanese are much more expensive, and "Chinese" with their design "a la Harley for suckers" and the appropriate quality, usually do not attract bikers with "concepts".

So, you've already made a frame and a gas tank. If you have a front fork and wheels, you can put yoфur future bike on wheels and look at it well. It is time to solve the problem of motorcycle wings. Like the gas tank, the chopper wings define the stylistic concept. Not without reason the word "chopper" comes from the English-speaking "chop", which means - to cut.


Theoretical part... The very first admirers of this extreme style simply cut off the rear wings of their Harleys. And the front were treated even more radically - they simply took them off. By the way, I don't recommend to do it, i.e. even a small front wing knocks off a stream of dirt from our expensive, and in case of its complete absence this stream is directed directly to the stylish biker.

Also, do not make too short and the rear wing, in this case we will not envy the passenger bike, and in the case of particularly short cut back wing - the dirt may even get on the driver's face.
I have tested that the rear wing must be no closer to the end of the rear wheel than the end line of the rear wing in order to perform its functions more or less.

In world practice, there is also an absolutely opposite trend in the design of wings - ultra-deep construction, sometimes making a motorcycle very similar to a scooter. A striking representation of such vehicles are the classic "Harleys" and especially "Indiana". It should be noted that these wings are very good for our roads. Also, with careful execution and beautiful painting, they are very decorated with homemade garments.

But it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is undesirable to lower the lines of the lower parts of these wings, because in large holes it is easy to bend these parts, and to correct this defect is very difficult.

In addition, do not forget to exit from high and not very high curbs, which reduces maneuverability in urban areas.

So if a homemade motorcycle is planned to drive actively, the design of wings should be approached very responsibly.

Practical part... Wings can be made in different ways. In factories it is a deep three-dimensional forging. Also on some Japanese and Chinese motorcycles you can see wings made of plastic. But still, the real wings for custom are only those made of metal. Wings made of plastic are almost not repaired, and in the case of wings made of plastic to do double work, because you have to make special matrices. And it is unlikely that they will have to be reused. This is confirmed by my many years of practice, as no one orders the same machines.

Also on the homemade plastic wings are very difficult to hang. Metal wing can even be used in the power circuit of a motorcycle, ie hang on to it saddle, bags, lighting, etc.

So, the best homemade wings are made only by rolling out sheet metal. But to many people this technology is inaccessible and therefore it is possible to recommend manufacturing of original wings from fragments of standard wings of motorcycles.

For example, the small front wing is easily obtained from the Dnieper wings, and the steel rear wing with a square profile is well out of the wings of the "Urals".

Also it is possible to recommend for a back wing "fish" a wing from motorcycles "IZH".

Before work all superfluous from the chosen preparations should be cut off, as it is necessary to remove an old paint and a rust. Welding of fragments of the finished wing is carried out by intermittent seam in different places to avoid leashes. The finished edge of the wing can be edged with a soft steel wire D5-6 mm. The wire is pre-bent and welded with reliable gripes from the middle of the wing edge.

Lighting wiring should be routed inside the wing and used to fix the welded metal strips in steps of 3-5 cm.

The rear wing should be reinforced taking into account the suspension stroke, i.e. it should not be lowered too low to prevent the inner surface of the wing from being touched by the wheel in any road situation or under any loads.