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Glückliche Wissenschaft

marketing-begriffe 2



Human needs, needs and demands suggest the existence of goods to meet them. We define goods as follows:

A commodity is anything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market for the purpose of attracting attention, acquiring, using or consuming.

Suppose a woman feels the need to look beautiful. All products that can meet this need, we call the product range of choice . This range includes cosmetics, new clothes, resort tan, cosmetologist services, plastic surgery, etc.Not all of these products are desirable to the same extent. Most likely, goods and services that are more affordable and cheaper, such as cosmetics, clothing or a new haircut, will be purchased first.

It is possible to depict a particular commodity and a particular human need in the form of circles, and the ability of a commodity to satisfy this need in the form of the degree of their combination. For rice. 1 it is shown that product A does not satisfy the need of X, product B satisfies it partially, and product C - completely. In this case, product B will be called "ideal product".

The more fully the product corresponds to the desires of the consumer, the more success the manufacturer will achieve. Suppose an ice cream manufacturer asks his customer what degree of fat and sweetness he likes ice cream. Suppose also that the answer is shown in Fig. 2 point marked "Ideal". After that, the consumer is asked to try three competing varieties of ice cream and determine the degree of their fat content, sweetness. The corresponding places of each variety are also represented by points in Fig. 2. Grade B to a greater extent than others, combines the ideal levels of desired properties. If the manufacturer offers ice cream, standing to the consumer ideal closer than grade B, the novelty should go to the market better than this class with the comparability of their prices, availability and other conditions.

The moral is that producers should seek out the consumers they want to sell to, find out their needs, and then create a product that meets those needs as fully as possible.

The concept of goods is not limited to physical objects. Goods can be called anything that can provide a service, ie to meet the need. In addition to products and services, these can include individuals, places, organizations, activities, and ideas. The consumer decides what kind of entertainment program to watch on television, where to go on vacation, what organizations to help, what ideas to support. And if the use of the term “goods” at times seems unnatural, it can be replaced by others - “ the satisfaction of the need” , “ remedy ” or “ offer ” . All these words have a certain value value for different persons.

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Das Foto stammt aus öffentlichen Quellen.


Marketing takes place when people decide to meet their needs and requests through exchange.

Exchange - the act of obtaining from someone the desired object with proposition what either in return.

Exchange is one of four ways in which individuals can obtain a desired object. For example, a hungry person can get food in the following ways: to provide himself with food by hunting , fishing or collecting fruits ( self-sufficiency), to steal food from someone (weaning), to beg for it (begging ) and, finally, to offer for providing him with food any means of compensation, say money, other goods or any service (exchange ) .

Of these four ways of meeting needs, exchange has the greatest advantage. With him, people do not have to encroach on the rights of others, do not have to depend on someone's charity. Nor do they have to produce any basic necessities on their own, regardless of whether they know how to do it or not. You can focus on creating things that they have mastered the production of, and then change them to the desired items made by others. As a result, the total production of goods in society increases.

Exchange is the basic concept of marketing as a scientific discipline. To make a voluntary exchange, five conditions must be met:

  1. Parties should be at least two.
  2. Each party must have something that could be of value to the other.
  3. Each party must be able to communicate and deliver its goods.
  4. Each party should be completely free to accept or reject the proposal of the other party.
  5. Each party must have confidence in the expediency or desirability of dealing with the other party.

These five conditions create only the potential for exchange. But whether it will take place depends on the agreement between the parties on its terms. If an agreement is reached, it can be concluded that all participants benefit from the exchange (or at least are not harmed) , since each of them was free to reject or accept the offer.