- Just like old times, huh? - sifted through one. The second smirked in her face.
- I liked those times," she said in an unexpectedly peaceful way.
- Really?
- You know I'm not lying.
- I know. Do you propose to make peace temporarily?
- Yes. At least until we arrive in Mogar.
- And there?
- And there we will return to our direct duties - the woman extended her hand. - Do you agree?
The second hesitated.
- Are you saying I can trust you?
- Didn't you trust me before?
- Now it's different. We are on different sides of this game. You shouldn't fool me and stay in the winnings.
- I promise that I won't do it. But only to Mogar. Everyone will be there for themselves again.
The woman finally shook the proposed hand.
- Agreed.
After a few seconds, the room was empty.
* * * * *
Angry at everyone and everything, Erin threw things in her bag. Well, how do you want to stay calm when you are told that you are being hunted and introduced to the main hunter? And all this is normal. "No, you have to get out of here and get out of here fast. The exception is not the most terrible thing in this world. I still want to live a little more for my pleasure.
She picked up a packed bag and rushed to the door, but...
- Erin, are you here? - Freddie's head was soaked in the opening. He smirked at the girl who was halfway there.
- Oh, are you ready already? Me, too.
- What are you doing here? - Erin sizzled as she prepared to scratch out that idiot's eyes. She could have been outside the Academy by now, and she wouldn't have been found there: she could have confused her tracks perfectly.
- So we're going together," the guy smugly snapped. - I always knew that you cared about me.
"Oh, and how much I care! I would have nailed it that way!
- By the way," Freddie stood back. - They're looking for you here.
As soon as Erin asked who was looking for her, a tall female figure appeared in her field of vision, and the room immediately became much smaller.
- I'm behind you," River easily took the bag from the hands of the witch and threw it on her shoulder. - Let's go. The horses are ready," she glanced at Freddy. - Is this one with us?
"This one wasn't happy with the frown.
- My name is Freddy, if that's not a problem for you to call me that.
River didn't pay any attention to him, still turning to Erin:
- Is he with us or not?
The girl nodded in slow motion.
- Great," River turned around and left the room.
- Hurry up," her voice told the young people in the hallway. Erin shook off the stupor and pushed Freddy out.
- Come on, what are you waiting for?
* * * * *
Horses... Actually, Erin loved animals. And now she was gently stroking a big golden mare, touching it with her right eye. Everything in her was fine, but the size...
- Time is not waiting, baby, - Sylvia's shouting made the girl climb a horse in the blink of an eye. The blonde brown-eyed girl laughed frankly, seeing how much effort Erin was making not to fall back on the ground.
- Don't you know how to ride? - it was River. She brought her horse closer.
- I can," Erin said, exhaling her last breath. - I've never tried it before.
Her words caused another explosion of laughter for Sylvia. The girl sparkled with her eyes in her direction.
- Relax," River advised, and Erin's jealousy was easily lifted up in the saddle. - Animals feel when they are afraid.
"Yeah, only in this particular case am I afraid of this mare," Erin thought grimly, trying to sit back. "It's a mare, isn't it?
She wasn't allowed to find out, and a few seconds later a small group was already outside the Academy.
* * * * *
After a day of tedious bumps and bumps, Erin pleaded with heaven when her companions graciously allowed her to rest. Having let herself off the horse and not feeling much relief from this, because the pain has not disappeared, the girl fell down to the nearest tree, for a while, even forgetting that there are two mercenaries next to her, one of whom will try to prevent her from coming to Moghara.
With a sigh that caused another smirk at Sylvia, the witch pulled out a piece of paper, an inkpot and a feather from her bag.
Dear diary," she began, "I'm sorry I left you at the Academy, but it was such a rush to leave. I promise that I will immediately transfer all the records to you as soon as I get back. Unless, of course, I will come back.
She sighed again and, shaking her head, continued:
"It's a good thing Freddy had the paper and pen. He's a hamster, but now I even like it.
To be continued...