Kamila ran without taking apart the road, tears strangled her, and she was about to burst into tears. She didn't understand how, she found herself in a beautiful garden, covered in a variety of flowers. On her right hand was a hedge, on which the green snake wriggled ivy stalks. Breathing hard, she leaned her back against the soft wall and covered her blue eyes with fluffy lashes.
- Kamila! - the anxious voice of her beloved sounded in the distance.
She wanted to respond, but the voice did not listen to her. Her hands were still shaking and her heart was beating in her chest, threatening to break her chest and break out. Suddenly a figure of Damion appeared in front of her. When he noticed the girl, he sighed a sigh of relief and, quickly approaching her, put her in his arms.
- There you are! Gods, how you scared me! - Damion stood back from his beloved and gently kissed the corner of his pink lips. - Forgive me, I shouldn't have dragged you to this place! All these people...
- It's all right, my love! - Kamila whispered hard. - They are all right in their own way. I really am not a lady and I don't know how to behave among all these noble people. I'm scared! - Kamila whispered a little silence.
- Why? What are you afraid of? - gently touching her cheeks with her fingers, asked Damion.
After she had kept her mouth shut, she looked into the boy's face with her eyes full of tears.
- I'm afraid you'll leave me for one of these... Ladies! I've seen how dressed and beautiful they all are, and how they look at you.
Damion looked at Camila, who had turned red, and suddenly, to her great surprise, laughed.
- Stupid! None of these ladies are any comparison to my sweet, kind girl! - Damion's eyes shone with evil lights.
Suddenly he pressed the girl against the green fence, hitting her with a small scream, and then greedily entered her lips with his lips. Hugging her with one hand for a thin waist, and with the other on the back of her head, he weaved his fingers into a delicate silk hair. The girl covered her eyes and moaned darkly, cuddling her whole body to her beloved, supply bending her back.
He kissed her for a long time, painfully, ripping off her lips sweet moans and making her tremble with her whole body, wanting more. Finally, Damion broke away from the swollen lips of the girl and touched the lips of her tender neck, leaving wet paths from kisses. His beloved one ate a swollen lower lip and made a long groan of pleasure. The young man's confident fingers slid to her chest, but came across an obstacle in the form of a lacing dress. Damion lost his temper and began to untie the corset.
- Gods, who invented all these stupid dresses? - He growled.
Lace-up finally succumbed and the young man's eyes appeared elastic white breasts. The pink nipples were tense, as if to say that the girl was burning with desire. Clenching his palms of soft flesh, Damion eagerly fell lips to the pink pea, caressing his lips and tongue, biting, sucking and licking. The girl threw her thin fingers into her beloved's dark-haired hair and pressed him to herself more and more, wanting to merge with him. Leaving Kamila's chest, Damion glanced into the foggy eyes of the girl.
Kamila knelt down on her knees near him and feverishly began to pull down his pants made of dense fabric. She was trembling with impatience and anticipation, her fingers disobeyed, while Damion stroked her soft red hair, caressed her flushed face with his fingertips and tender, snow-white neck
The pants strap succumbed and the girl hastily pulled off Damion's garment, which was completely unnecessary at the moment. He picked her up and fell back on her lips, torturing them over and over. His hands wandered around his beloved's naked chest and neck, his touch burning.
- Gods, Damion! What are you doing to me? - The girl exhaled with a voice hoarse from desire. - Please, please.
And he fulfilled her request. Having turned her back to himself, the young man pulled up all the numerous skirts on an expensive dress and with one sharp movement entered the heated bosom of his beloved, a long groan broke out of her lips.
When it was over, the exhausted Kamilla and Damion lay in thick grass, hidden from view by tall bushes and leaves of trees.