With these words, the newly-made queen Hisui E. Fiore said goodbye to the pardoned wizards of the Witch's Sin.
- Live on.
Gerard pondered these two simple words. As soon as Hisui announced her decision to have mercy on their guild, he felt enormous relief and immediately thought of Erza.
But it was so selfish.
Despite the fact that everyone, including Erza, forgave him, he still did not forgive himself. He felt guilty, although Eric and everyone else stubbornly proved to him that Zeref was to blame for everything.
- What's next? Sawyer asked as soon as the company left the castle.
“Isn't that clear?” Crossing her arms over her chest, Sorano mocked. - We helped save Fiore, received a pardon for all the crimes and our goal was ultimately achieved by some fiery dragonsler.
- So, we disagree? Sawyer asked unusually quietly.
Richard nodded with a slight smile.
- It seems so.
“Our alliance has always been a temporary solution,” Macbeth added. Meredi nodded in agreement.
- So, I will not lie: I had fun with you. I can even call us friends, ”Eric smiled. “If any of you need help, you can count on me.” And, until you thought of some sentimentalism: I know that in return I can count on all of you, even Gerard.
Gerard laughed. He also considered the guild to be his friends.
“Who would have thought that you would begin to spill farewell speeches?” Sorano asked. The only thing that indicated her true feelings was a trembling smile. “Did that fiery one still drive nakama shit into your head?”
Eric shrugged.
- Just a little.
“Our common motive was the murder of Zeref,” Macbeth began, “but we, each had their own goals.” The goals of a lifetime, I’ll even say so. Therefore, leave these sentiments and drove to celebrate.
Gerard was sure that he was not alone, stunned to look at the reflector. But Eric laughed and laid his hands on Macbeth's shoulders.
“I haven’t heard anything warmer in life from you,” Sorano commented.
“Are you sure he didn't insult us between the lines?” Muttered Sawyer.
“I think he said it with all his heart,” Richard said.
Gerard smiled. Who knew, maybe he would be the only one to miss them?
“Offend, Gerard,” Eric grinned.
There was an awkward silence.
Finally, Meredy spoke.
- What are you going to do next?
“I'll be looking for Wally's younger brother,” Richard said.
“I will help him.” Sawyer ignored the grateful smile. - Suddenly still go astray?
“I'm going to Sabretooth.”
Everyone looked stunned at Sorano. No one expected her to go to the bright of her own free will.
“My little sister is in this guild,” she frowned. “I think she has been waiting for me for too long.”
Gerard prudently ignored the hairpin in his address.
“I'm going on a trip,” Macbeth said shortly and looked at Eric. He grinned again.
Gerard was surprised to feel the dragonsler's hand on his shoulders.
“Gerard and I will go to the Fairy Tail.” Our ladies were also waiting.
Gerard opened his eyes in surprise.
“Actually ...” he trailed off when everyone looked at him reproachfully.
He literally felt what they were thinking.
“So, I read the thoughts here, not you,” Eric said teasingly and looked at Mereda. - And you?
“She will travel with me,” Macbeth remarked, incidentally.
- She?!
- I AM?!
Under the general silence, Macbeth looked into her eyes.
“In fact, you are free to do what you want.” I just suggested.
“... So is this also his idea?”
Eric snorted at Gerard's thought.
- Sure! - suddenly exclaimed Meredi. Noticing that everyone was watching, she shyly smiled at Macbeth - I will be glad to join you.
- So, I'm going to my sister. Richard and Sawyer leave to look for Wally. Macbeth and Meredi are going in search of adventure, and Eric drags Gerard with him to the Fairy Tail so that they finally formally muddied with Kinana and Erza, Sorano listed.
- Then it's decided! - Sawyer smiled broadly. - Everyone oudchi!
* * *
Gerard was in love with Erza.
He knew that his feelings were mutual.
But he couldn’t ...
- Just come on without any casualties. Zadolbal, by golly.
Gerard frowned, but continued to walk toward Fairy Theil.
- You do not understand…
Eric snorted.
“You might think you're the only one here.” Of course I realize. I also did a lot of crap in my life, remember? And I also have a girlfriend, whom I managed to hurt. Maybe she also loves me, although I did not deserve it. You can consider me a selfish person, but I will not allow her to be happy with someone else when she has me. And I won't hurt her again.
Gerard relented. Maybe he and Eric really have more in common than he thought.
When they stopped in front of the guild door, the dragonsler said:
“The question is what do you want.”
What does he want?
He remembered to the smallest detail the day they met.
“Beautiful and scarlet. I will call you Erza Scarlet. This is the color of your hair; so I will never forget you! ”
How obvious. He wanted to see her. Touch her, make sure that she is safe and sound.
How obvious. He wanted to see her. Touch her, make sure that she is safe and sound. Run your fingers through your hair and tell how beautiful he considers her. He wanted to always be with her.
He wanted…
To live on ... with Erza. ”
Eric grinned.
- Here is the answer. By the way, in this noise it is not. Her comrades think that she went for the next cake. - And went to the guild, leaving Gerard to stand a pillar.
* * *
How to tell Erza about your feelings?
What to do after?
Did you just have to speak out?
“Probably,” Gerard thought, not paying attention to the ringing of the doorbell of the bakery, “it was also worth going to the guild and using Eric's example to see how to reconnect.”
He froze in the doorway, seeing red hair that could only belong to one person. Erza was busy with the order, but was distracted by the bell and met her gaze with him.
She opened her mouth in surprise.
It sounds like a silly cliche, but Gerard all became clear as soon as he looked into her eyes. He felt uneasiness, confusion and boundless love in her warm look. He knew that he wanted to be the only one Erza would look at with such love, even though he did not deserve it. He was just as selfish as Eric.
- ... Gerard?
After the appeal, Gerard came up and hugged her tightly, not paying attention to the staring visitors. He closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of her hair conditioner.
- What happened? Erza asked anxiously.
“Nothing, I just want to always be with you.”
- They have mercy on us.
He smiled as Erza sighed in relief and hugged him even more tightly in response. He could feel her tension and anxiety disappear.
“Queen Hisui ordered to live on,” he said.
And he was not opposed when Erza pulled away to give him a troubled look.
- What will you do?
“I'll go to the Fairy Tail.”
Erza opened her eyes in surprise.
- But why? She asked disbelievingly, although she was happy with his decision.
Gerard could not do anything with himself and tucked a scarlet strand into her ear. Instead of taking his hand away, he laid both hands on her cheeks.
"There he is."
He slowly began to lean toward her.
“A moment of truth.”
“Because I love you and want to always be with you,” he whispered gently.
When tears appeared in Erza's eyes, he almost changed his mind.
It was probably a bad idea.
He probably should leave.
As if reading his thoughts, Erza reduced the distance between them and carried Gerard into the kiss they had been waiting for so long.