When Orvin's door slammed shut, Damion came up in the girl and said carefully:
- Kami, don't listen to him. All this luxury had turned his head. You are beautiful in any dress.
He carefully put his hand on her fragile shoulder. She sighed and turned to Damion's face. On her cheeks, she could see the wet paths of tears.
- Do you really think so? - When she smiled embarrassed, Camila asked.
- Of course I did. - Damion confidently answered. He reached out to her face and gently wiped off her pale cheeks the transparent tears.
The young man wanted to say something else, but they knocked on the door again. This time it was Shireya Baratheon, who came to ask about Camilla's situation. The girls met yesterday after the failed King's election and immediately found common ground with each other. The girl was followed by a maid who had a large bundle in her hands.
- I think that for tonight's dinner you, Lady Camila, will be better off with this than with all the rags you've had before. - The young lady of the Stormy Limit said in a conspiring tone.
Having escorted Damion out of the chambers, the girls began to dress Kamila in a new outfit. It was a beautiful light dress in sea color with lace trim. In addition, Shireya built from a mop of chic hair of a young girl's intricate hair, adding her thin silver studs, studded with small emeralds. They were shining in red hair, and only emphasized the unusual, for these places, beauty.
- Shireya, do you really think I should wear this? - Kamila quietly asked, feeling how tender the fabric pleasantly caresses her body.
- Of course! It's perfect for you, honey! The men in the castle open their mouths! Look at you in the mirror! You are a real beauty!
Turned to the high mirror with silver patterns on the edging, the girl looked at her reflection and and was surprised! She was looked at by a strange lady, so beautiful that it was impossible to take her eyes off her.
- Gods! Is it really me? - With her eyes wide open, the girl looked at herself in bewilderment.
Shireya smiled quite a bit. When she approached Camila, she fixed the ruffles and lace on her dress.
- Of course, and who else! Great! The dress sits as if it were incandescent. It's a good thing I didn't have time to cut the length to fit my height. - The young lady was pondering, examining Camila from all sides.
- But you sewed it for yourself, didn't you? Are you sure you can do without him? - Camila clarified once again, still not believing in her happiness. - These aren't just lace!
- Of course I can, I'll sew something else! - Without hesitation, Shireya answered. - But about the lace, you're right! This Myrian lace is rare even for these places. But I have more, so don't worry.
- And why is it so rare? Forgive me for being too curious. - At once Kamila pulled herself over.
- Well, you are. It was Rodrik. He's the one who spoils me with lace, silk, jewelry, stones, and all sorts of other girl stuff. He knows I'm such a fashionista. - A girl giggled.
- Rodrik? Is this your lover? - Camila asked her curiously. She finally stepped away from the mirror and sat down on a soft chair next to an open window.
Wider Baratheon laughed loudly in response. When she sat down in another chair, she began to twist a strand on her fingers that had lost her hair.
- No. Rodrik was a friend of my brother's, and I was like a brother. And I am not his type. He's a Lord, too, and he's a pirate and a bit of a smuggler. - Having said that, Lady Storm's Limit cunningly winked at her new acquaintance.
- How can Lord be a pirate? - asked Camila, with her round eyes in amazement.
- Ooh, that's not all that happens here," the young Stormy Limit Lady smiled back.
Kamila caught herself thinking that she clearly liked Shireya.
A couple of hours later, when the sun had already begun to set, Damion and Kamila entered the brightly lit reception hall and stopped at the entrance. Behind them were Mira Reed and Orvin, whose eyes were burning with delight. The conversations and laughter that had been sounding a moment earlier had disappeared at once. All eyes immediately rushed to them. Titos Lannister did not hide his dislike and looked at the entrants with open contempt. Sansa Stark glanced at her nephew and stepped back to the small fountain in the middle of the hall.
The evening was not going to be easy.