No one knows what the coming day is preparing for us. Destiny does not dedicate anybody to its plans. The redistribution of property in 97 was still in full swing, only the methods of struggle have changed a little. And arms. A broken nose is a trifle in life. How many of them died in ruthless gangster wars and how many more will give their lives for someone else's good, for someone else's ambitions - for nothing. They have little chance of dying in their beds, surrounded by their children.
I felt sorry for them, even though they were bad, and without intellect, but their fellow citizens.
As long as nothing happened, I tried to find a way out of the situation. You have to leave, you have to leave... I went up to the Mercedes, opened the hood, pulled the high-voltage wire out of the engine (just in case), disassembled both guns, put them in the back seat in parts. I don't need anybody else's. What's next? The welter in my head did not allow me to build any logical chains. The second shaved one began to come to his senses slowly. He couldn't get up at once, so he just sat down and stared at me senselessly. The first one behaved, surprisingly, very calmly, sat and wiped, all the time appearing from the nose blood. Strong guys, for their good cause!
The silence lasted a little longer. I was the first to try to take a step towards our parting:
- Well, guys, let's forget our little misunderstanding and part forever. I hope so. Of course, you behaved badly, or rather like decent shit, but not to kill you because of it. Just in case your guns were disassembled, you'll find them in the back of your Mercedes. And of course, the main thing: I remember your data - who you are and where you come from. Don't worry about my "Lada", I'll fix it myself, with my own money. And "Mercedes" is yours, deal with it yourself!
Let's consider that we said goodbye. In response, I had a deadly silence. I didn't know what to do next, so I just got in my car and went to the country house. Whether I didn't fully understand what was happening now, or I took it too lightly (I didn't want to think about the bad), but I didn't experience much mandrake in my knees. Well, unless it was an involuntary and nasty little shiver in my hands. Well, it happens... Will pass... I couldn't believe any serious trouble could happen to me. No seriousness, if I don't want it, it won't happen to me. It just can't be... Or maybe I, like all of us, am an ordinary fatalist, somewhere in the shower. What will happen will be, why worry again? But the summer cottage still needs to be prepared for summer. Things have always been going on there.
And spring has already entered into its rights to the fullest extent. The days were getting longer, the nights were getting shorter, and the call of nature began its annual awakening song. Spring, love, romance! It was in the autumn that my life slightly subsided, and with it love with romance. But now spring was just beginning to enter into its rights. And in spring, girls in their short skirts immediately become incredibly seductive and charming. To resist, when all around wake up from winter hibernation, when the nature itself wants updating, it is impossible to resist such spring temptations. And March cats sing such songs rousingly!...
At such a moment we forgive our favorite feminists everything: their illogical stupidity, exorbitant ambitions, and "modest" desires. How can we not forgive them all their numerous and diverse weaknesses? We are a strong sex, they are weak! And the strong will never hurt the weak. And where are we without them?
"We cannot live without women, no!
They are our happiness, the poet said!
And there can be no other way. It's a pity that the real ones, the ones for which men are ready for everything, are becoming less and less among them every year. A man needs what he doesn't have by nature from a woman, he needs her femininity. After all, a woman is strong with her weakness, her tenderness, her love. If she doesn't have any of this, but only has her calculation, or if she wants to be an independent, independent person, or if she must be loved. Her!... Not that "we love each other". How many of these if... Yes, and love without reciprocity does not live long. Therefore, short novels with them quickly end, and the seriousness of the relationship between a man and a woman loses its weight every year. Probably, we are to blame for this: not those we are looking for, not those we are choosing.
And the new trends? It is impossible to love the new-fashioned glamour in a woman's body, that is, in translation into Russian, an ordinary colorful show: outside - glossy, inside - emptiness. Of course, one day you can come off with such a glamorous one for a while. You can even hang out with her for a while, but love... and even more so live with such a glamorous whole life - God forbid!
Despite this little misunderstanding, I thought life went on. Even though my picture of a bright future was a little blurred, my confidence in the future slightly diminished, but life itself continued. I couldn't believe that the peace of mind of the last few years had gone into the past for me. Well, you can say, quite unexpectedly made it clear to two scumbags that they were wrong. It just so happened... What's next, waiting or not waiting for me, because of this misunderstanding, is still a question. A big and very unpleasant question... Maybe there will be no continuation..... But it was still alarming at heart. I didn't feel like an invincible superman after that. Life is not predictable. Today I am lucky, tomorrow... It is an accident. As you know, even an unloaded shotgun once shoots.
Well, time will tell. Overnight, my head will put everything on the shelves. Bandits can wait...
I got to the country house pretty fast, nobody followed me. Everything was quiet, calm, and the bustle of simple household chores made the situation no longer seem dramatic.
Continued in the next episode.