- It was very kind of Lord Tyrion Lannister to give us all the rooms at the Red Castle. - Thinking through a narrow, tall window, the girl said.
She looked with admiration at the view that stretched out before her eyes. Her rooms were located in a large spacious room overlooking the Blackwater Bay. The girl's silky translucent curtains and red-haired hair were easily blabbing, blowing cool breeze from the wharf. Covering her eyes, Kamila enjoyed breathing in the scents that burst into the room with the wind. It was the smell of grass, flowers, fresh baked goods, roasted meat and many other flavors not familiar to the girl before. She loved this place, liked the cozy room with a wide bed and soft carpets, liked the Red Castle and the city itself, where life boiled. She caught herself thinking that she wanted to stay here forever.
- Orvin and I were lucky to look like our father. - I took Kamila out of her thoughts the voice of her loved one. - Lord Hand said they couldn't just give up on us, even though they didn't know what to do with us. - Nathan smiled at Tyrion's son as he tried to prove to everyone that Damion was an impostor.
Camila did not answer that. She took the silver ridge from the white table and began to look at it carefully. She had never seen such beauty before.
- Are you still angry? - When he approached her from behind, he hugged her by the thin waist and pressed her cheek to her tender, silky hair.
Yesterday, after the scandal that broke out after Nathan's appearance in the throne room, they had no chance to talk.
Camila pulled away from Damion and turned her face towards him.
- Not that I'm angry, I just don't understand. Why didn't you let me go out with you to these noble Lords?
- Kami, the situation was already quite dangerous. I didn't know how things could turn out. What if they had really called in the guards and killed us all? I knew I was taking a big risk coming here. I wanted you to have a chance to get out of there quickly.
- I'm not afraid of them. - A redheaded girl answered fiercely with blue eyes. Now she looked just like the Camille that Damion knew from his childhood - strong, confident, ready to kill for her loved ones.
- Really? - When he raised his eyebrows, he asked the young man playfully, getting closer and closer. - And what would you do with dozens of people in armor, with sharp swords in your hands?
- I would have...-started with Camila, but didn't have time to finish.
Damion covered her mouth with his lips and started kissing her with such passion that it seemed that everything around her would start to burn. Holding the fragile girl firmly to himself, he would soak up her lips, gently biting them. With one hand under his white shirt, he caressed every inch of her body with his fingers. Camila gladly closed her eyes and groaned quietly, waiting for her to continue.
Unexpectedly, they knocked loudly and persistently on the door. Daimion reluctantly pulled away from her and breathed heavily, opening the door. His little brother broke into the room like a hurricane.
- There you are! - Orvin began at the doorstep, without noticing Camila's angry eyes. - Look what they brought me!
He put his hands apart and started spinning slowly, showing off his new outfit. He was wearing a dark green velvet doublet, his gate and cuffs were embroidered with black and silver embroidery.
- Definitely suits you. Already getting used to the role of Lord? - The girl snidely asked, correcting her bloated hair.
Coming to the bed, she began to dig through a variety of dresses and shirts, which she brought the maid. Kamila did not understand how to wear all this, and did not want to. She liked the simple light dress she got from her mother. Picking him up, she went beyond the high screen.
- Camila! Are you going to go in that old age? - Orvin rounded his eyes and asked. - But you were given so many beautiful outfits! All the girls who were in the Throne Room yesterday were so smart and beautiful...
- Orvin, get out. - ...and looked at Brother Damion very much.
The young man, who knew his older brother well, knew that it was better to do as he asked.