Pavel Derevyanko is a famous Russian actor, who starred in many films. However, he was most popular with roles in such films as "Shadow Battle" and "Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno".
Pavel was born in 1976 in Taganrog. At school, the boy did not have any good behavior or good grades, so his parents often had to come to school and have unpleasant conversations with his class teacher. After completing his secondary education, Paul left school and spent several years trying to find himself in adulthood.
He tried different professions, but soon dropped out of school because he was losing interest in his studies. At the age of fifteen, he became interested in the art of theater and that was his last choice.
Soon Pavel decided to enter the theatrical university and went to Moscow for this purpose. He was refused admission because he had not completed secondary education. Only next year he managed to become a student of GITIS and study under the guidance of Leonid Heifets.
In 2001, Derevyanko got his first role in the movie "Two Drivers Driving". The first work turned out to be successful and the proposals for new roles began to come to the actor with enviable regularity. Among the films with the participation of Pavel Derevyanko in particular can be highlighted such as "Esenin", "Rostov-Papa" and "Fatalists".
Paul had a huge number of love affairs, but one of them led to a serious relationship. The actor was chosen by Daria Myasishcheva, who gave birth to her daughter Varvara in 2010.
Subsequently, the young people decided to part, but in 2015 Pavel returned to the family, which resulted in the birth of a second daughter, who was called Alexandra.