I'm wearing my glasses.
I've been wearing them since the fourth grade.
Without glasses or contact lenses I'm super blind: I'm missing more than 5 diopters per eye.
My relationship with glasses has always been a bit controversial.
In my secret diary, I wrote: "Dear diary, the doctor told me that I will have to wear glasses, but when I grow up I will have perfect eyes and be beautiful".
Blessed innocence!
Time passes, helps us to forget and also adjusts our perception of ourselves, as our body changes in a natural way and thanks to the fact that we acquire a greater ability to understand what enhances us.
We learn that happiness is in color.
We learn that feeling like a cactus in a world of rocks can become our strength.
We learn how to give an image to our emotions.
But there remain indelible signs of what we have been.
Of course, there are still glasses.
And every time I look in the mirror, when I wear them for a moment, without realizing it, I see that little loser girl who always felt a bit awkward.
And I still feel like her.
Insecure and ugly.
That girl who lived in the stories of the books she devoured.
Only in the last few years have I really made peace with that girl.
A few years ago I would not have shown the photos I published in this post, not even to boyfriends and dear friends.
I made up with it because I understood that that girl will stay inside me forever.
And after all, I'm happy and proud of it.
So I made peace with my eyewear image.
Glasses are a beautiful accessory and with which to make your look unique thanks to the magical power of combinations.
The glasses are close to the face.
They illuminate our face by enhancing it.
With their shape and color.
Our glasses talk about us.
Our choices and our personality.
What do your glasses tell you about yourself?
Was it easy to choose them?
Glasses are an accessory that differs from others for these characteristics:
- we can't decide to take it off if we don't feel comfortable unless we have very low myopia.
- it's right there on our face.
- cost enough and it is better to avoid solutions that are too low cost and could compromise their quality
- will accompany us, also for the reason mentioned above, for a long time and in many situations
So it's a rather considered choice.
How do you do it?
You can start with the shape of your face.
To find the right frame, the secret is to follow the harmonic balance of contrasts.
If you have a round face, you prefer rectangular or square shapes.
If your face is more squared, better to wear wraparound, rounded and elongated glasses.
If your face has a long shape, prefer a narrow and not very voluminous frame that optically "cuts" your face.
If you have an oval and proportionate face, it is better to choose glasses that follow the natural regularity of your features.
If your chin is pointed and your forehead wider, so if you have a face at heart, opt for a frame that stretches the upper part of the face, proportioning it, like the model cat's eye.
You can also make color the discriminating factor in identifying the right pair of glasses for you.
Prefer them in a beautiful deep blue if you want to inspire confidence and security.
Dare with red if you want to give a boost of energy and be noticed.
Wear yellow if your most important feature is your ability to stimulate creative thinking.
Try asking yourself that question:
What aspect of your personality would you like your glasses to communicate in the first 60 seconds, those in which the famous unconscious first impression is established (which then takes 4 successive meetings to refute)?
As I said your glasses are always there with you.
They can become the key element in allowing you to communicate better and teach your image to talk about you.
But be careful that, for this to work, the basis is the awareness of who you really are and the consistency with your way of being and working.
Like when you find the perfect work uniform.
To be able to choose the right prescription glasses, always follow your personality.
You dress practical and functional but inside you rests a woman as sober as Beyoncé?
Put a little glitter or color on your glasses to talk about yourself and balance the way you dress.