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Learning with emotions.

We come to the Emotion component, the second tool of the formula. In many books of personal growth, spirituality, attraction law and resonance we refer to how important it is to put emotions in our intent. There are a lot of theories about it, let's try to understand the reason why emotion is so important.

It seems that making a visualization with lots of emotions can make our subconscious mind more real what we are seeing with the eyes of the mind. This is done by focusing on pleasant feelings during the act of visualization.

According to many researchers, our brain has a significant number of receptors that are associated with pleasure such as in the prefrontal cortex, where most of our superior thinking is found (it is no coincidence that Yogananda teaches us in his meditations to concentrate and on the marrow elongated, and at the height of the third eye where it resides in the prefrontal cortex).

It is important to keep in mind that we do NOT simply see ourselves happy with the goal achieved, but rather we must feel in the body, here and now, the feelings of this happiness, positivity with the objective achieved. This may not be so simple for those who are a little detached from their emotions. It's not that they don't hear them, they simply don't pay attention. During the day, try to pay attention to when you feel good and happy and analyze the state of your body; where do you feel this positive emotion? In what part of the body? Paying attention to how you feel during your positive emotions will allow you to recall them more easily over time.

Another way to feel happy emotions is to look at happy episodes of your past; while your favorite team won a competition, perhaps you were thrilled by an extraordinary sunset, or perhaps during marriage, child, etc.
Finding a truly happy memory often recreates the relative emotion instantly. A book might help you with regards to the world of acting; the actors must be able to generate an emotion on demand, based on the scene they are shooting. Remember that you can also INVENT situations where you feel happy. The emotion we can literally create from nothing. We need only a little bit of our commitment.
Once you have learned to generate your happy emotions, start paying attention to the body; Is it lighter or heavier? Do you feel heat in any part of your body? And the appearance of the visa as it is? Do you tend to smile or are you more serious?
Foto: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/14496030035758774/?nic=1
Foto: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/14496030035758774/?nic=1

There are no right or wrong answers, each of us reacts to positive emotions in a different way. Once you have identified yours, you can use these details to call up your positive emotions by simply summarizing certain characteristics. Make the visualization more realistic:

If in the previous paragraph we saw how to create a positive emotion and then associate it with our visualization, it would be even wiser to try to understand how we would REALLY feel with the goal we realized, lived.

Returning again to the example of the car; how would you feel having received the car? And how would you feel when you have to wash it, drive it, etc ...? Help yourself by adding details; see the bonnet of the car from the driving position, see the beautiful and illuminated odometer, the engine speed that goes up when you are about to change gear, the sound of the engine (is it silent? Do you hear the horses?), the smell of new or the product you used to clean it. Maybe you're at the car wash or in your garden. Pay attention to the associated emotions you would REALLY experience.

  • To help you, it really helps a lot if you go to rent the car in question or go for a test-drive. This way you can better understand how you feel.
  • And if you still don't have the money to buy it? "FINGI" to do it! I did it and it worked. Go to the car dealer, start inquiring about the model you want, but the accessories you want, take the price. Do exactly what you would do if you could already buy it NOW. You can do this for all those objects for which it is possible to make tests; clothes, cars, houses, travel, etc...
  • On the other hand, there are also things for which temporary access is not possible. How to do? Trying to pay attention to all the things that come up in our daily life and seem somehow linked to our goal and THANK YOU, trying to really feel a sense of gratitude.