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How to keep the weight down after losing weight (2)


A healthy dream

Sleep and wakefulness normalization is one of the easiest ways to keep weight down after weight loss. When resting, somatotropin, a growth hormone that accelerates metabolism, is produced. In order for the body to have time to produce it in the necessary quantities, it is desirable to lie down no later than ten in the evening. Sleeplessness can be managed by taking a half-hour walk before going to bed, doing a little exercise (for example, rocking a press) or a cup of green tea.

Dietary advice

Specialists in the field of nutrition recommend following certain rules to maintain weight:

  • In order to secure the shape for a long time, it is important to consider the balance between the amount of energy expended during exercise and the calories derived from food. Simply reducing the amount of food you eat won't help you keep your weight down after a diet. The secret to success is to increase energy consumption with reduced calorie intake.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol: it irritates the stomach mucosa, prompting appetite, and reduces self-control.
  • Drink more water. Dietologists recommend a daily volume of 2.8 l in summer and 2.5 l in winter. Water, filling the stomach, reduces appetite, accelerates metabolism, removes toxins from the body.



Although there should be no absolute prohibitions - even harmful products can be eaten from time to time. But be careful with industrial desserts and other "delicious" foods that have a high glycemic index. Their frequent use leads to obesity.

How not to put on weight after a sharp weight loss, and vice versa - to fix it: you need to avoid candy, honey, rolls, dates and other food, which contributes to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. 3-4 cups of sweet tea a day is also bad, a tradition that will quickly return lost volumes to you.


After the volumes have gone, many women need to take steps to tighten their skin. How to recover from weight loss - take care of the skin, which must adapt to the new shape. To do this, refuse to stay in the sun, because its impact provokes premature aging. This effect is called photo aging. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, free radicals (destruction molecules) are formed in the tissues.



Restoration of water balance is a prerequisite for maintaining harmony, beauty and youthfulness. In this matter it is not recommended to rely on thirst, it is better to be guided by the calculation - not less than 30 ml. per each kilogram of body weight. If it is 60 kg, you should drink at least 1.8 liters of clean water per day, coffee and tea - do not count. How to eat to maintain weight after weight loss is important, and many people focus on this issue, forgetting about the equally important aspect - the drinking regime. It provides:

  • high rate of metabolism, so that the body does not "seek" to save resources;
  • Sense of saturation - the fluid fills the stomach and partially quenches the feeling of hunger - we eat more slowly, less often feel an acute uncontrollable desire to eat something;
  • hydration of the epidermis - a sufficient amount of water makes the skin look young and firm, remember, all intracellular processes take place with its participation;
  • fast cleaning of tissues from metabolites.


Never miss this meal, it is difficult to overestimate its importance for human health. People who do not have time for breakfast are at risk of obesity, and there are explanations for this phenomenon:

  • Long breaks between meals slow down the metabolism;
  • If we miss the morning meal, we feel an acute hunger in the middle of the day and have lunch;
  • Absence contributes to the release of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins), which causes the deposition of fat, as well as has a negative effect on blood vessels.
Balanced breakfast with calorie 300-400 kcal. - The most important meal for maintaining normal weight. It helps to feel satiated all day long and easily refuse harmful "delicious" foods. Thanks to the nutrients received in the morning, we can easily control the portion size during the following day. It is also important to note the energy, ability to concentrate and stable good mood.

The desired changes that will happen after weight loss will stay with you for a long time, if you keep your habits useful. Specialists of the Slavic Clinic will help to cope with the period of their formation. Be slim and healthy!