How to retain weight after weight loss and diet
Everyone who tried to regain the elegance of the shape of their body was faced with a problem: it was not so difficult to lose extra pounds as to hold on to the result and not gain weight again. That's because a person, as a rule, returns to the usual way of life, and this mode in its time forced the body to gain weight. Experienced nutritionists have found ways to save the result after weight loss.
Is it possible to keep weight after a diet
The human body is equipped with protective mechanisms that allow our ancestors to survive in the wild. For example, the accumulation of body fat in case of crop failure or starvation. The mechanism is launched at the first hint of the lack of habitual diet. That's why the normal reaction of the organism to weight loss is a practically impossible feeling of hunger, which persists even after the diet is finished.
As a result, the person very quickly returns to the former volumes and can even get better. How to maintain weight after weight loss? If you follow only a few rules, it will be easy to control it. The main thing is to follow them strictly and stably. Otherwise, any diet, starvation and other methods will be in vain - to keep the weight at one level will not work.
How to save weight after weight loss
Human weight depends not only on the contents of the plate, but also on many indirect factors. For example, sleep mode, degree of physical activity and even emotional state. However, there is a main rule: the end of the diet - no reason to indulge in gluttony and idleness. Work on yourself will have to be constant, then the simple principles of self-control will quickly become a habit and become a norm of life.
Maintaining emotional balance
Dieticians have found that the most common cause of overeating, leading to excessive volumes, is psychological discomfort. This means that the number one answer to the question of how to retain weight after weight loss is to take control of your own experiences. First of all, you will have to stop "sticking to" the problems. For the sake of clarity, you can hang motivational pictures and inscriptions on the refrigerator, which will serve as an emotional "stop-crane".
The best way to survive stress is to give out emotions. You can shout from the soul, "beat" the pillow, cry out. This will allow you to keep the hunger attacks under control. If this approach turns out to be ineffective, a course of multivitamins can support the body in the fight against the negative - they are available in any pharmacy. Some women are helped with antidepressants, but specialists consider their use a last resort.
Switching to the right food
There are a few simple rules on how to retain weight after weight loss by balancing the diet:
- Give up semi-finished products and fast food. This food worsens intestinal peristalsis and increases cholesterol levels.
- The main meal during the day is breakfast. It should be dense, and in the morning you can afford almost anything, including sweets: eaten in the morning carbohydrates burned almost clean.
- Good nutrition does not mean no desserts at all. You can afford marshmallows, marmalade, bitter chocolate. The only thing you have to say no is baked goods.
- Try to eat a little bit, but often - 5-7 times a day. Between the main meals it is desirable to eat healthy products: fruits, candied fruits, nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, etc.
- Give preference to protein food. It is excellent saturation, dulling hunger, which is typical after leaving the diet. Protein is rich in dairy products, hard and soft cheeses, seafood, fish, eggs.
Physical activity suppresses hunger, while helping to burn extra calories, but how to keep the weight level if the schedule does not allow you to regularly go to the gym or go to the fitness room? You need to devote time to training at least once every five days. Exercises for abs, jumps over ropes, squats and gymnastics are effective. Swimming and dancing will also make you lose weight.