Misha is a large family of mammalian rodents. In the process of evolution, the body of the mouse has adapted to its direct way of life. The front legs are very well developed for digging the holes in which they live. Disproportionately large ears relative to the body give the advantage of orientation at night, this time they are the most active, as the threat from other malevolent members of the animal world is significantly reduced.
Depending on the location of the mouse, they may vary in size, appearance, and survival. They are the most adaptable creatures to external factors, it makes it possible to successfully exist in almost all climatic conditions, except for the northern latitudes.
The number of species is 701, the most common of which are: sand lancet, steppe mouse, white mouse, field, forest, mountainous...
Predominant senses are, of course, hearing and sense of smell, and rodent representatives have very poor eyesight, mainly using their moustaches to orientate themselves in dark areas of the mouse.
Mice have primary teeth and two pairs of incisors that have no roots, so they grow throughout their lives. That's why rodents have to grind them all the time.
Rodents live directly in fields, steppes and forest belts. With the advent of the cold season, mice seek to protect themselves by fleeing in different shelters - different buildings and structures. Thus, they cause significant damage to auxiliary farms, enterprises, etc.
Rodents are fed mainly by different cereals, as well as food waste residues, so the largest concentration of rodents is located next to crop fields, garbage cans.
Do not assume that rats and mice are the same. These two representatives exist in different genera and also differ significantly in appearance. The size of a rat is larger and can reach 40 centimetres, as the mouse is only up to 15 centimetres in size, as well as a more elongated nose and smaller eyes clearly show us that we have two completely different rodents in front of us.
Mice breed very actively, the average female is able to hatch about ten individuals at a time, life expectancy is about three years.
Mice directly pose a great health risk to humans because they carry a large number of parasites.
Fortunately, these rodents are also useful. Experiments in various fields, such as medicine, pharmacology and mouse physiology, have proved to be the most convenient test subjects, as eighty percent of the genes coincide with human ones. Thus, thanks to these creatures, a large number of diseases, vaccines, etc., have been studied.