September 4, 1993, the Quidditch field
- Why, why, why, why don't they make pictures in the form of dwarves?! - Tearing Ron's hair off.
- And that's a great idea! - Cedric Diggory, who landed next door, laughed. - Snitch in the form of a dwarf with wings, and to fight and fight again, bite Trappers!
Then he got serious and said.
- Ron, you may be giving up on me like Trapper, but I noticed something else. Get on the gate.
Half an hour later
- It's obvious that the heat wasn't wrong and it wasn't a mistake to put you on the Hufflepuff! - Cedric's voice sounded proud. - Great teamwork! Coherence, technique, speed, all on top!
His finger poked Ron in the chest.
- From now on, you are the Hufflepuff's Quidditch goalkeeper! You two," he said to Neville and Harry, "are the bouncers!
Hufflepuff's trio of Hunters couldn't throw the ball into any of the rings, so L. Ron Hubbard caught everyone shouting that the dwarves wouldn't pass. Neville and Harry, on the other hand, acting like a couple, had repulsed all the blender attacks.
- Don't worry about it," Cedric turned to Ron again, "next year I'll finish Hogwarts, and Hufflepuff's team will need a new Trap. You have the downside, but as a goalkeeper, you're much better!
- In the name of Youth, I will be the best goalkeeper, and if I can't, I will be the best catcher!
- And we will help you with that! - Harry immediately supported him. - Everybody becomes Trappers!
- There can only be one catcher in the team," said Diggory.
- Then we will all become Trappers, Goalkeepers, Hunters, and Bouncers! - without being embarrassed, Harry shouted at the entire stadium. - It will be a team that burns in the Spring of Youth and defeats it by force!
- This year's Cup will be ours," Cedric smirked and rubbed his hands. - The first training session is tomorrow!
After that, life and school jumped in, days went by and everybody had noticed. Dementia held the cordon around Hogwarts, but with their hands on the heart, time and energy to break something and go out of school without permission, there was simply no way. Harry, Ron, and Neville had a Quidditch, but Hermione herself only went outside for ultrasound lessons with Hagrid and Travology with Dean Hafflepuff Pomona Sprout, and the greenhouses were still under the walls of Hogwarts and were considered part of the school. Lessons, library, and homework, as well as learning everything about animation to understand how to cook a green luminous mutagen.
After all, it was required to repeat not even a spell, and the process of animation, and only the reverse of it - the transformation of the animal into a human being. Neville and Harry helped, as they could, the first with the potions, the second with the animation itself. Hermione unwittingly smiled, remembering the scene in the Great Hall, with which it all began. She saw this scene but did not hear what said Dumbledore and the deans, however, Harry all so vividly and fervently described that Hermione was standing next to him.
On September 2, 1993, Hogwarts
- And McGonagall-don will be a judge as a recognized expert! - Harry bowed down.
- Mr. Potter! - The dean of Gryffindor exclaimed outragedly. - Let's go!
She brought Draco and Harry to the teachers' table.
- Ah, the Power of Youth and Love, it's so beautiful! - Director Dumbledore sighed humbly, petting his beard. - I think, Minerva, we should allow...
- I am against such competitions! - outragedly interrupted him by McGonagall.
- And me!" Snape drilled from the side.
- Wait, you haven't even listened! - Dumbledore smiled, correcting points. - It would be a contest not only between Potter and Malfoy but also between the deans of Gryffindor and Slytherin! We will split the competition into two parts: before the New Year they will have training in animation, and after - training in Occlusion by Professor Snape.
Severus Snape felt the touch of Youth and met each other.
- The one of you who can better teach his subject to Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy - Dumbledore's hand made a gesture in the direction of Harry and Draco - will be declared the winner, and with him and his faculty.
Minerva McGonagall immediately straightened up and the Flame of Youth swept up against the ceiling of the Great Hall. Snape was also burning and burning. He jumped up and shouted:
- I agree!
- I agree! - McGonagall echoed him again.
- Pomona? - Dumbledore turned to Sprout, Dean of Hufflepuff. - You don't mind, do you, Harry's in your house after all?
- I don't mind," she smiled. - In the name of Youth, may the strongest man win!
- No, I won't give in and I won't lose to them! - clenched my hand in Hermione's fist.
Filled with inspiration, she moved the next scroll and built a new essay on the topic, given by Professor Vector on Numerology: "The influence of the decimal number system on the system of predicting the magicians of Europe.
- What? Hogsmead? - Hermione jumped up in amazement. - But still...
Her eyes fell on the calendar and she sighed. Where did the time go?!
- You worked hard and hard, Hermione, I am proud of you! - Harry said.
- It would be something to be proud of," Hermione said.
She knew she wasn't doing anything young, but she couldn't help herself. The study was sagging, the potion was not cooked, and Hermione was suddenly angry at herself.
- I'll try twice as hard and do it in the name of the Power of Youth, and if I can't do it, I'll be Hogwarts' best student and finish it in two years!
- This is the spirit, this is the Flame of Youth! - shouted back at Harry. - Let's go!
They left the Hufflepuff Tower through a special barrel, the entrance, and Hermione asked.
- How are your lessons with Professor Lupin, Harry?
- Great! - Harry threw his hand up. - I've practically mastered Body Patronus! Lupin is a wonderful teacher, but I still failed in time, and then he offered to double the number of circles on his hands and the amount of effort, and then I sparked Youth and coped!
To be continued...