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How do you find your loved one's heart? We are preparing a romantic evening!


Woman and kitchen are inseparable concepts for many men. Everyone knows that the way to the heart of a loved one is through his stomach. And if so, God Himself ordered us to use this wonderful opportunity to charm and tie a loved one to ourselves with the help of his culinary talents.

A married woman prepares food for her family, because it is necessary, and a lover - to please her beloved with something delicious. Culinary masterpieces are mostly made when a woman puts her feelings and desires into the cooking process. Besides, she does not perceive her work at the stove as a hard labor, for her it is a joy.

When choosing the ingredients you need to prepare a romantic dinner, don't forget about such "spices" to dishes as love, sincerity, joy. Only the food prepared with love will find a response in the heart of your chosen one.

To arrange a romantic dinner for someone in whom you see only the option "for one night" to get sexual pleasure, it is not difficult: the romantic atmosphere, music, wine, ambiguous behavior of the lady - that's the secret of how to make the desired thing real. If it is a question of charming the one in whom you see the companion for the rest of your life, the man, everything is a little bit more complicated. You will have to show yourself not only as a passionate mistress, able to create a suitable entourage for a romantic evening with continuation, but also as a wonderful mistress, for whom household chores, including cooking, are not hard forced work, but a pleasant and interesting activity, performed with pleasure.

The first dinner with the beloved should consist of traditional dishes, because the exotic cuisine is very specific and there is a possibility that he does not like it. Choosing dishes for a romantic dinner, it is necessary to cook that it is not necessary to eat by hands because the fat stain planted on clothes can create pressure at a dinner and spoil mood. It is desirable that the table is dominated by light snacks, vegetable salads, cheese and fruits. Buy your loved one an apple, dividing it into two, thus subtly hinting at your desire to share the passion with him.

It is better to refuse from fatty food, because it is hard to digest, and after a dense dinner your man will most likely have a desire to lie down on the sofa, rather than imprison you in their passionate embrace. But if you need a man not for one night for sex, and for life, then treat him with any dishes, but always tasty and well cooked, so that he saw in you a domestic woman, which will be a good keeper of the home.

Meeting your lover, you can go to the shop together and choose products for dinner. It is advisable not to buy semi-finished products (dumplings or pancakes), your man should know that you are able to cook these dishes yourself. Do not plan on dinner any complex dishes that require a long time to prepare, otherwise there is a risk that the lover will fall asleep hungry, without waiting for your culinary delights. He should be assured that dinner will be ready soon, and while you are cooking, he can watch TV or surf the Internet.

When you get home, don't wear your old, comfortable bathrobe and don't dump food on a table with an unveiled doom. First of all, you have to believe that cooking dinner for your loved one will be easy and fast. Turn on some funny music, if you want to, you can sing or dance during the cooking process to transfer the good mood, positive thoughts, beautiful images on the food that you cook for your lover.

It is undesirable to leave a man alone for a long time. The best option - so that he had the opportunity to do their own business, the edge of the eye to watch as you happily and easily cook dinner for him.

Before serving dinner, be sure to set the table: a clean tablecloth, beautiful dishes, small elements of the holiday in the form of candles or flowers. At dinner it is desirable to communicate on themes interesting for both, to listen to music or to watch a good movie. It is necessary to build a picture of a family idyll, to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and joy. Let this picture remain in his memory and yours.

After dinner you can do anything, but the best option is to obey the wishes of your loved one. The evening should end beautifully. Do not leave for tomorrow an untidy table and dishwasher dishes, so that the next morning will not spoil the pleasant impression left by a romantic evening.

I hope that these tips will help beautiful ladies to arrange an unforgettable romantic evening for the beloved man and to win the heart of the man we would like to call our husband forever.