The rules of etiquette, do not know shame
Rules of good tone1. Never come to visit without a call. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to be in a Bathrobe and curlers. regulation
2. The umbrella is never dried in the opened state-neither in office, nor at a party. It must be folded and put in a special stand or and woman
3. A bag cannot be questioning on its knees or on its chair. A small elegant handbag-clutch can be put on the table, a bulky bag hung on the back of a chair or put on the floor, if there is no special chair (these are often served in restaurants). Briefcase put on the floor.
Use the up/down keys to increase or decrease the volume.
4. Cellophane bags are allowed only upon return from the supermarket, as well as paper branded bags from boutiques. Wear them then with you constantly and use as a handbag and woman
5. A man never carries a woman's bag. And he takes a woman's coat only to carry it to the locker room.regulation
6. Home clothes are trousers and a sweater, comfortable, but having a decent look. Bathrobe and pajamas are designed to walk to the bathroom in the morning, and in the evening — from the bathroom to the bedroom.Decency
7. From the moment the child settles in a separate room, learn to knock, going to him. Then he will do the same before entering your and woman
8. A woman may wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.regulation
9. The total number of jewelry under the international Protocol should not exceed 13 items, and this includes jewelry buttons. No ring is worn over the gloves, but the bracelet is permissible. The darker the street, the more expensive jewelry. Diamonds used to be considered a decoration for the evening and married ladies, but recently it has become permissible to wear diamonds during the day. The young girl stud earrings with a diamond of approximately 0.25 carats is appropriate.Decency
10. Rules of payment in the restaurant: if you say the phrase "I invite you" - it means you pay. If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. Another formulation: "let's go to a restaurant" — in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can and woman
11. The man is always first in the Elevator, but the one closest to the door gets out first.regulation
12. In the car, the most prestigious is the seat behind the driver, it takes a woman, a man sits next to her, and when he gets out of the car, then holds the door and gives the lady a hand. If a man is driving, a woman is also preferable to take a seat behind him. However, wherever a woman sits, a man should open the door for her and help her out. In business etiquette in recent years, men are increasingly violating this norm, using the motto of feminists: "in business there are no women and men."man and woman
13. It is bad form to say publicly that you are on a diet. Certainly not under this pretext to abandon the dishes offered by the hospitable hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, while you can not eat anything. You should also do with alcohol. Don't tell everyone why you can't drink.Decency
14. Taboo topics for small talk: politics, religion, health, money. Inappropriate question: "What a dress! How much did you pay?". How to react? Cute smile: "This is a gift!". Move the conversation to another topic. If the other person insists, say gently,"I don't want to talk about it."regulation
Rules of good tone15. Every person who has reached the age of 12 is supposed to be addressed as "you". It's disgusting to hear people say " you " to waiters or chauffeurs. Even to those people with whom you are familiar, in the office it is better to address on "you", on" you " — only in and woman
Exception-if you peers or close friends. How to react if the interlocutor persistently "pokes" you? First, ask again: "Excuse me, are you addressing me?". Otherwise-a neutral shrug: "Sorry, but we did not pass on "you".Decency
16. To discuss missing, that is, simply to gossip, is unacceptable. It is impermissible to speak ill of loved ones, in particular to discuss husbands, as is our custom. And just as it is impermissible to speak with contempt, with a grimace about the native country. "In this country are all redneck..." — in this case, You also belong to this category of people.regulation
17. Coming to the cinema, theater, concert to go to their seats should only face sitting. The first passes a and woman
18. Eight things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, a gift, honor and dishonor. And finally-Jack Nicholson on the rules of good taste: "I am very sensitive to the rules of good taste. How to pass a plate. No shouting from one room to another. Do not open a closed door without knocking. Let the lady go first. The purpose of all these countless simple rules is to make life better. We can't live in a state of chronic war with our parents — it's stupid. I watch my manners carefully. It's not an abstraction. This is a clear language of mutual respect."