How annoying it is for me, grown lady, this composter, that stupid girls' brains are composting on how a man likes them. The network is full of advice. And who writes them? Drink the orange buttock drivers, spit over your shoulder three times, say "holy, holy," put it in your eye, and until the fog is dispersed, he will come... your fiancé.
It's like our life and its meaning is to serve the gentleman, to whom there are fewer demands on the web. As my historian used to say years ago: "We men are well: a little bit better than a crocodile - already a handsome! The uncle was funny. And cute, by the way.
Now it's my headache. No, not in the sense that I'm a feminist or worse - a man-hater. And the fact that, first of all, my daughter grows up, starts to paint my nails secretly and look at the web, and there it is... put your eyelids down, raise your eyelids. Instructions for Vija, not for a young girl.
And secondly, you have to be more honest. Everything that is recommended to be done on the Web, all tricks and manipulations, David Copperfield's school on creating optical illusion. But if you think about it, how much dust can you let a man in your eyes? Hardly to the grave. If he is not quite an idiot, of course.
So you will have to show your face sooner or later, dear Gulchatai! And so that your beloved Petrukhoy doesn't feel himself at this moment, throw grimacing and be yourself. If you hate labutenes, don't put them on. You don't have braids to your waist - don't tie your horse's tail, but do something about it. You don't know how to bake in your 18 pies like a grandmother - it will pass, in 60 years, for sure. If women were all articles, men would live with men, they already begin.
If you like him as he is, it means yours, grab and run. And no - it means that this person is not a couple, consider yourself lucky that you did not need forty years to understand it. No, it is by no means a recommendation not to follow yourself, or manners, or appearance, they say, "nothing that the chest is sunken, but the back of the wheel.
Just don't do it for the sake of someone, nobody cares about it. And if anybody pays attention to how you watch yourself, it's very superficial, almost like Suvorov's way: I came, I saw... I forgot. Men are looking for a couple of strangely enough for themselves, according to one of their criteria, it even seems to me that the smell.
As experience shows, the less you worry about this problem, in the sense of looking for a man, the more it's somehow après. A friend of mine, whose personal life hasn't worked out yet, once told me with resentment: "You'll never understand me. For example, do you know what it means not to have a man in your life?
I even felt ashamed in front of her. Because I was never unhappy in this respect, but only happy, I did not even have time to think about finding a husband. All my life there was someone to go to the movies with, from whom to take a flower, who to eat, drink, talk in the end (don't laugh, lovers also talk!).
And I don't remember any bad people among my boyfriends. And there were the most ordinary people with their cockroaches and charms. The stars from heaven were missing, but they were not inferior. Somehow I did not want to cry over anyone and suffer. It was a couple of times, but it was also high. Although I'm not a beauty, there were places where I could be put down and pushed to other places as well. As well as everyone else. But I don't have any money, time, or special needs for it.
In general, there was not a single "goat", as single women like to say. Apparently, they were all snatched up by others. Sometimes it seems to me that women dissatisfied with the life of these very "me-me" themselves attract them, throw themselves like goats on cabbage, just to eat, and then blame all the white light on what he stands there.
Ladies still love such a trick: to fall in love with someone at the age of 17 and raise their suffering to the rank of such a universal tragedy that no one else in his heart can let anyone else into life. Where one girl's nose dies and goes on a bike chase, the other one will "flow" for the rest of her life.
I do not argue that any healthy woman wants to find love, shoulder and friend. That's how we're organized, that we're bored without a man and we're bored and sad to live in the white world. No matter what we say out loud, it's true. And there are some very wealthy women among my friends, and not even me, who can only sneakly afford to cry about personal happiness, which never came.
But anyway, half a life to put on the search for the beloved, and then half a life to please him, to keep him, it is stupid somehow senseless and in some way humiliating for both.