September 1, 1993, Hogwarts
- And now, after the Distribution Ceremony and before we get down to the festive feast, I have a few announcements regarding the change of teachers this year! First, the divination will now be conducted by the esteemed Florentz Centaur! - Dumbledore announced, looking after the disciples.
The centaur, who was on the edge of the teachers' table, waved his hand.
- What happened to Professor Treloni? - a scream from the audience came out.
June 1993, Hogwarts
- All right, the school year's over! - Professor Treloni shouted, almost bouncing on the spot.
- Of course, Sylvia," Dumbledore was trying to speak kindly and calmly. - Or maybe you'll stay? So many years here, and I remember perfectly well how you wanted to get a teaching position...
- And now I want something else! - Tremonti belligerently shook the old newspaper.
Gilderoy Lockhart, smiling under the headline, "Lockhart Promises Baby Boom," recoiled from Sylvia's finger, which almost pierced it through. After a second, however, Gilderoy smiled again and waved his hand.
- I had already lost three months because of your entreaties, Albus!
- I'm not good enough to leave my students in the middle of the year.
- But since the stars told me that no one would get it this year, I agreed to wait. But I can't wait any longer! - I stomped on Sybil's foot, and I got nervous.
- Well, since it's not going to happen this year, maybe you can serve some more...
- No! You can't wait any longer! Competitors do not sleep! - Sevilla grabbed the contract and stuck it somewhere in her robe and picked up her skirts and ran away from Dumbledore's office. - In the name of the Power of Prophecy, it would be mine! Only mine! A dozen children! I have already made a favorable horoscope for conception!
- Professor Treloni was tired of teaching and decided to devote herself to the household," Dumbledore said, smiling at the beard. - Professor Kettleburn, who taught the care of magical creatures, resigned based on... emm... technical reasons, and now UZMS will teach you all the well-known Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwarts' land and key keeper. Let's welcome him!
- And here we are, taking the UZMS and Prophecy," Ron said thoughtfully. - Is it good or bad that we will have new teachers who haven't taught students before? What do you think, Hermione? Hermione?
Instead of Hermione, a huge red cat looked at Ron suspiciously, squinting at him.
- She said she needed to ask Dean Sprout something," Harry explained.
- Harry, don't you think this cat wants to eat Korosta? - Ron drilled his eyes with the gaze of the Stomach.
- Always carry it with you," he advised.
- Hermione," said Sprouts gently, looking at her. - You are the best student, diligent, diligent and responsible. But even you won't be able to go to all the lessons at once, because some of them go simultaneously. Therefore, with the permission of Director Dumbledore, I suggest you take a chronograph.
She gave Hermione a chain of watches.
- You can use it to go back in time and attend several lessons at once, you just need to not be seen at the same time, so to speak.
- Thank you, Professor Sprout, but that would not be fair! - exclaimed Hermione.
- What? What?
- I made a promise to learn all the subjects, and I will keep it, without a spin, because there is nothing impossible for someone in whom the Power of Youth burns! The only thing I'm asking for is permission to skip one of the two simultaneous lessons alternately and study the material myself! In the name of Youth, I will get all the subjects in the GO!
- You can't argue with the Power of Youth," Sprouts smirked kindly. - I'll get your permission, then.
- Thank you, Professor Sprout! I will keep my promise, and if I can't, I will learn all the subjects in a year!
"What a dog's life," thought Sirius Black, sneaking past the Screaming Shack.
September 2, 1993, Hogwarts
The first lesson of the first academic year was the prophecy, and Florence's centaur, sitting on a glade grown right in the middle of the classroom, immediately began by explaining that the subject was as shaky and blurry as the fog floating around. Hermione, who considers herself a supporter of accurate knowledge and the ability to cognize, is outraged, and if not for the promise, she would have already thought about quitting the prophecy.
- Why do we need the Prophecy, if everything is so inaccurate? - She was outraged when she came out of the office of the Prophecy.
- To anticipate the coming catastrophes? - Neville was unsure.
- Look on the bright side, Hermione," Harry intervened. - The future is foggy, and so it could be anybody. The way you make it for yourself, with your hands and your head! Your Youthful Power will pave the way for you!
Hermione thought about it, then nodded decisively.
In the Transfiguration lesson, Minerva McGonagall told about the image-mages who can turn into animals and back, and even showed an example of such a transformation by her example. In addition to delight and admiration, this show also caused a heated discussion in Harry's team after the lesson.
- We need a sensei, right? - Hermione's reasoning was to walk in and out of the room. - Who is the most correct sensor?
- Splinter! - exclaimed Neville.
- The old wise rat... Hey, Ron, how long do you say you have Korosta living with you?
- You're conspiring! - Weasley was in a hurry. - First, your cat, and now you're going to attempt my poor Little Boxbone? Yeah, she's old, and Percy went to school with her...
- Here! Like I said, the old wise rat," Hermione nodded satisfactorily. - Think about it, Ron, for it's best for Korosta herself! Then no one will chew her up, we'll make her a kimono, and she'll live for years to come, teaching her students! Let's put her at Hagrid's, he's got plenty of room, you see, everyone wins!
- Don't tell me you have such a spell? - Ron asked with suspicion.
- Correct Sensei rats only come out of glowing green liquids! - Hermione was admirably noticed. - We will have to boil the mutagenic potion!
- Josh! - Harry exclaimed. - I do not doubt that you will succeed, Hermione! And we will help you with all the power of our youth and knowledge of the potions, and if we fail, we will try twice as hard and still cook the mutagens! Let's share it with everybody, and then we'll have a Sensei contest!
Hermione couldn't help but smile, because Harry had already managed to offer to organize a competition of deans yesterday, but none of the deans somehow did not flame with Youth. Although Dumbledore was graciously nodding and grinning, stroking his beard.
- And I know what competition awaits me and my eternal rival this year! - Harry wasn't getting over it. - We will become images!
Hermione wanted to remind McGonagall of how dangerous all this was and that only a few magicians could master the animation, but then she cut herself off and closed her mouth. There is nothing impossible for the Force of Youth, and Harry lived by this motto!
- Wait, Harry, we still have Quidditch! - Ron reminded me.
- Exactly! And you, Ron, will be the best player in Quidditch, I do not doubt it! - immediately slammed him on Harry's shoulder.
To be continued...