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How do I find my husband on the Internet? A lot of people are invited, but few are chosen


While you enjoy the rainbow and ferocious period of expectations and achievements described in the dictionaries on sexology and andrology, there is nothing to talk to you about but sexual excess. But with the selected men, whom it is important not to disappoint you in this difficult period, just at the right time.

So, the appeal to the elect.

I think that just as every woman believes in her uniqueness (be it beauty or charm, or individuality, etc.), so each of you is sure that you are born a leader, at least in relation to her, to a woman, isn't it? Here it is necessary to define, and what does the representation of a woman mean by a man-leader? I think that the lion's share of women will agree with me: strange as it may sound, but the man-leader is when the woman is "from above".

How so?

Well, for example, you both know that all the sex is in your head. And it means that every time you are together, it should be like the first time - by the power of emotions, impressions and feelings. And you both strive for it.

In practice, this means that you as a man constantly seduce her, and do not get tired of doing it only because, for example, she has long been your wife. And you have the right to it - by right.

No, instead you take a shower, brush your teeth, shave, suffocate and other things in the middle of the night, which is very touching in itself. And you do it not because the wife-mega does not sleep with you without it! But because you have an inner moral-categorical imperative that you do not go to bed with her in another way - by definition. You do not go by yourself, not because she does not perceive you differently, do you feel the difference?

Mix it up, dispose to yourself, do not rush and do not force. Thus, you declare and confirm in practice that her interests both in bed and in life - first, and then yours. "On what grounds? - You will ask.

On the simple ground that you are a man: you should take care, protect; it should be comfortable, cozy, reliable and good with you.

Thus, when a man is a leader, a woman is automatically "from above", because as an experienced person he provides that her interests should be respected first.

He will make himself happy to make sure that the sex with him for her was enchanting. Thus, by the way, he creates favorable conditions for the next time. That is, it is because of his experience, he goes to bed not to take, but to give, make it good. And it is never hard for him, but always for his joy.

But on this fertile soil the flowers of love grow - in return, when she wants to give him a gift. And this immutable rule is observed both in bed, as part of life, and in life as a whole.

For the sake of credibility I will give you other examples, maybe, more understandable to you.

For example, you both drive two cars somewhere. If you do not consider a situation where the road shows it to you for some reason, and take a general case when follows you, then surely you behave like a guide and the main, and it is behind you.

You go and show her the turns, the place of parking, give her the best place, and the rest of the time, waiting for her in the accident, if she is behind, ie, do not throw halfway, and are responsible for it, is not it?

In your opinion, who is the leader in this case? Who is the leader, and who is the slave? So in life, just like on the road.

Agree that in the above cases, the woman is "from above", because the man is the leader, and she is allowed to do so.

I assure you that any normal (and such a lot!) woman is ready to accept with gratitude all your efforts and appreciate them at their true worth. Only a megera wouldn't have understood and noticed these efforts in the first place. Or maybe she would pass by thinking that everything should be like this, so there is no need to be grateful. But you wouldn't have gotten to bed with this, would you?

Summarizing all that has been said about the psychology of relationships, we must admit that a woman is "from above" precisely because a man is a leader. Accordingly, she fears, protects, cares for, and allows her to be "on top". He does everything on the basis of her interests, he dishes them. Her interests are equal in fact, i.e. in her deeds, in his interests, which inevitably leads her to realize the fact that the leader is him.

He is the guarantee of her life, well-being. All her achievements are the result of the reflected light of his love for her and his care for her.

Therefore, the chosen ones, remembering that you are born leaders, act accordingly!

And women will get used to it. To the good, because quickly get used to it. And in turn, they will behave like women at last!