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Sunbathe. Part 2


Late in the evening, the mother and grandmother were watching the news on the terrace, and Rabbit was lying with her mother's head on her lap. It was uncomfortable.

Grandma was whispering with a lot of pressure:

- Well, he took all her roses and cut them all to pieces.

- Oh, my God! So what?

- What? And threw it outside.

Then she put her lips to her mother's ear and whispered silently.

My mother answered:

- Wow. I didn't know.

- And nobody knew, - my grandmother finished her edifyingly, having broken away from my mother's ear.

- And what is she? - My mother asked.

But Grandma probably just shook her shoulders.

There was a long, pitiful melody in the TV set, and the weather forecast began. Rabbit's neck and head fell asleep and everything at all, but she endured so far can be tolerated.

Pink heads remained in the Chinese, bright blue enameled pelvis, under the roof of the street washbasin. It was now dark, fresh and humid, and the thunderstorm passed side by side, deaf and thundering far beyond the woods.


She was the first to let me know about her neck. She was asleep. The sun had gone below the eye line and the ride was almost unobstructed. Everything was very quiet. All these references, paperwork, running on instances incomprehensible - Kuzenkov took over. For money, of course.

I must say, I asked for inexpensive money. When they met for the first time - she was taking him an advance payment - she even decided that if he was a con man, he wouldn't be sorry for the money. Well, they will disappear - they will disappear. Compared to what the agencies wanted - and she glanced at the newspapers - it was very godlike.

But it turned out that she was not a con man. Only the smell of it smelled like trash.

Cuzenkov asked for the keys. It is good that all these years, she kept the keys in one place, in a small plate of cloisonne enamel. When the moment came, there was no need to look for the keys.

He said: - You probably want to dismantle the house? Valuable to take out?

Valuable. Surprisingly, I did not want anything like that. She waved her head.

- Are you sure? Many sewing machines are taken out, bicycles. Tools. I've been doing this for eight years now, I know. At the very site on the East.

It's interesting to know when she used to go there - taking the keys, bringing in the documents - she always thought about everyday life, and how this highway, which she also remembered for children's trips, changed. So much so that the first time she barely recognized the crossing, which meant that two-thirds of the way was covered. When she was a child, she almost always got seasick at this point.

Memories climbed into her head on the way back. And interestingly, it seemed to her that the more persistent the memory, the more trivial it was, the more insignificant it was. Such a tiny little stone fell out of the kaleidoscope, the pattern in which has since changed, and you can not insert a piece back. Or can I?


The site for the car on the site of Big Yulka and her brother Romka was paved with concrete. It was tanned. The place is excellent - the street is visible. Currant bushes and a gooseberry tree on the edge - convenient. As if by the pool.

That morning, my mother took Rabbit's hands in her own, turned them over, looked around, stroked them:

- You're not sunbathing well, daughter. Pale. You have to turn your hands upside down and set up the sun. That's how it is. And open his forehead.

She firmly held her hand on her forehead and tucked her bangs under her kerchief. And left because it was Monday morning.

After breakfast the sun disappeared and it rained.

The boys found a thick, dark green caterpillar and three slugs. Everyone gathered under a shed and began to cut them. The rabbit didn't cut herself, she just watched. The caterpillar was hitting with its tail, and mustard-green liquid flowed out of it. Slugs seemed to be inside the same as the outside - jellyfish, brown.

When the interest ran out, Big Yulka said squeamishly: "Well, Roma. And the boys lost the remains of slugs and caterpillars with soles. There were stains left that made it difficult to tear off the eyes.

By noon, it was as if a new day had begun - the sun came out again, the girls went to sunbathe on concrete. The rabbit approached the case thoroughly. She put the old folding bed in a better place, in the center. She dragged two terraces with Yulkina and lay down, turning her hands with her back side out, as her mother told her to. She set the sun on her forehead.

- You're better off with a bang," said Big Yulka.

To be continued on the next part