They end up in the same story with different men with enviable persistence, and as a result of this they are steadily losing. And with confidence it is very fair to say for the thousandth time: "He's a sociopath!" or "Alphonse!" or something like that. And, of course, they swear, first of all, to themselves: "Never again! - tidy up to the next one of the same.
We all have friends or acquaintances, don't we? And sometimes we are not better ourselves. About the reasons for this phenomenon - in the presented article.
Ranunculus - the Latin name, and in Russian - buttercup. It is nicknamed so for its fierce disposition: all parts of the plant are poisonous. By the way, Juliette was poisoned by broth from buttercups. But how to resist, if the buttercup is a flower of the bride, comparable in beauty only to the beautiful roses and velvety juicy poppies! No way!
That's why for the third time I became the thoughtless owner of buttercup bulbs and anemones. Having reached home, I decided to revive the memories of the agricultural machinery of the newly acquired wealth. And then I was thrown into the heat. It turns out that none of these species winter in the open air! Yes! Of course, all this was on the packaging from the very beginning, but who reads the inscriptions on the fence?
More than that, I know it all myself. And for a long time. It's been two years already - from personal experience. All my efforts have been put up with a crushing fiasco. Expensive planting material flew into the garbage can, either without blossoming, or without blowing out of the ground at all.
Here I remember suddenly, as already twice gave myself the word to buy and plant only that does not require special care. And in general, my children are the flowers of life! And on you! All my experience has faded away at the sight of these insidious tempters.
Here, dear girls, it dawned on me that all for a reason!
It seemed to me before that I had to be crazy to step on the same rake with the persistence of a drunk man, but now I know for a fact that we are not to blame. Maybe it was the nature that gave us the feeling of beauty, or maybe the weather, or something else. It doesn't matter at all!
Just as I see buttercups, you lose consciousness every time, contemplating, as you think, an extraordinary, and simply put, abnormal man. You completely forget that you don't want to be fiddled with his endless whims and quirks in your daily life; that you don't like selfish egoists; that you don't really like being humiliated or imposed, or hypertrophied by already existing complexes in different spheres, etc.
Instead, you "are all ready to give up just for your favorite eyes! And you know why?
Because you really believe in yourself and your powers infinitely! That is, you overestimate your abilities. You are so confident in your irresistibility that you feel like an Amazon, able to change the way of life, and at the same time, the laws of nature. At that very moment, the sea is on your knee and everything is on your shoulder!
That's how it seems to you, when in fact you lose consciousness from sexual fluids of that very alphonse or sociopath, charismatism or something else, what you imagined and what you believe in. And all because you're loyal to yourself!
The question is, what to do?
To begin with, rejoice for yourself. So to speak, to realize the power and power of your talent to be so selective that never to make a wrong choice and, God forbid, not to change yourself! Well, and then to direct your crushing energy in a peaceful direction.
What does it mean in practice?
For the sake of clarity, let's go back to the buttercups. For example, my first thought after the consciousness returned was to make everyone feel good! That is to say, to immediately give everything that I have acquired to my more affluent friend, who has her own house and a winter garden, and a greenhouse, and adult children, and most importantly, there is a desire to be fiddled with these exclusive things.
"That buttercups! - how would you think.
Believe me, and in the case of your original, there are always a couple of people who by virtue of various circumstances (from boredom, for example, or just because they do not realize the disadvantages of this state of affairs), will be happy to accept it from you as a gift.
Don't you have any such acquaintances? Leave it on the big road of life. Someone will pick it up. Don't worry about him.
Can't or don't you want to?
Let's say you don't want to go by and admire your "flower" in the window of someone else's home? Yes, the fullness, because you, like no one else, already know that it's just a facade and exterior! And the view from the side is not the same!
Doesn't it convince you? The idea that everybody will admire another's treasure, which you have found and given again, does not give a rest to you! And you?! Again "without anyone"?!
And really, who but you is interested in what is really going on? Guests come - they don't look in the back rooms. And everything looks great!
If so, here is another option for you. We leave buttercups and anemones in our "pantry of the sun". And at the same time, we confess that we are happy to have all this hemorrhoids in our homes. Happy! And we are ready to devote our lives to studying the rules of agricultural engineering of our unicumns and, accordingly, to tolerate all the inconveniences associated with it. Always!
And the third one - alas and ah! - It is not given.
Except that the alphonse and the sociopath - already passed stage, but the child from such - on your hands.
Also not the edge, I'll tell you. You can comfort yourself by the fact that in this hybrid there is 50% of yours. So, the endless layers of culture that you can plant are likely to give him a positive sprout, and at the same time a chance to be a normal person.
And if it's so bad that you have to admit that your genes are obviously a recessive sign that has long lost the battle to sociopath and the alphonse in it, don't despair again, because nature does not tolerate emptiness. There will always be one in the future, like you in the past, who will want to decorate her collection by all means with your slackers.
What am I talking about? The eternal.
In all likelihood, there is nothing good or bad in nature, everything depends on how we treat this or that object and what we are ready to spend our lives on.
Paradise and hell are within us.