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Crazy Cherry

Day after day. Part 57


62 days. Here (Gellert/Albus)

The wind was blowing from the water, bringing light, fast waves to the sandy shore, which washed away shells and small stones that had risen from the bottom, picked up by the stream.

The Albus was tired of sitting right on the ground, pulling bare feet, burying its fingers in the warm golden sand. The gentle sensation of laziness slid from the heels to the top, millimeter by millimeter capturing the tired body, and then the mind. He covered his eyes, enjoying the sound of waves and wind songs, the screams of seagulls, the distant murmur of water inside the nearby caves. These sounds merged into a single magical whole, penetrating into the depths of memory, causing sweet blissful memories that hurt the heart, only recently healed from the wounds received.

The hands were clenched by the recently returned oath. The decision to return to the place where it all began and ended came spontaneously and Albus woke up on the shore.

A lot happened here on this very spot. Mom brought her children here before sunset to show how the bright scarlet sky was reflected in the water. Lost children came here when trouble knocked on the door of their house, taking away their parents forever, leaving their brothers and sisters alone. Albus came to the deserted beach alone, giving the water his sad thoughts and anxieties, giving himself to the embrace of cooled sand.

Here, too, friendship and love were born.

Gellert often dragged his friend ashore, where far away from strangers' eyes, they spent hours discussing goals and plans that border on madness, fantasizing about how they would change the world together, becoming Lords of Death. Often the young mages would meet the dawn without ever being able to part with each other, and they watched as the day was born behind the cold surface.

Here, looking at a calm and blissful smile on his usually indifferent face, at the way the gold of the sun is mixed up in long blond hair, at a straightforward and decisive glance, Albus realized that he was once and for all in the power of Gellert Green de Wald. Here they kissed for the first time, feeling the salty taste on their lips and trembling in the heart, squeezing clothes in their fingers, not being able to tear themselves away from each other.

On this shore, Albus knew intimacy for the first time, again and again lusting in the hard and cold hands of Gellert. Not once or twice they repeated the night in the cold sand, which was painfully absorbed in the skin, but it never paid attention - that was not important.

And that's where it all ended.

Adult men never stopped crying. The Albus didn't. He tilted his head back, looking at the gradually darkening sky, painfully clutching the pendant in his hand. A bright flash of spell flashed in front of her eyes, and then Arianna's body fell down and her life was taken so unfairly. Albus saw again that last look in which regret, pain and cruel determination mixed up.

"I wonder if you came here to remember everything.

Surely not. Dumbledore was always more sensitive than his beloved, and therefore, finding himself here, again saw a few deaths - he mourned his sister and his love, who is buried under the same sand, which once absorbed their happiness with the sun.

63 days. In deep reflection (Regina/Emma)

Emma's staring at herself without noticing what she's doing. The idea was that she should have prepared dinner, while Snow White and Beautiful went for a walk, as always absorbed in love with each other, so the banal walk turned into a romantic for a few hours.

And Swann had a few hours to calmly think alone about the important issue, which has been tormenting her for several months, not letting her sleep, eat or fight, as it usually happens, with evil, as the hero is entitled to.

"Which I wasn't going to be," Emma corrected herself mentally, but it wasn't so fundamental, but rather a habit. To be a hero, to live with family, even if "slightly" unusual, magic training - it was the right thing to do, but the heart throwing reduced the joy of what was happening, adding confusion and excitement.

- Hey, Mom! - Henry shouted beside him, shouting what made Emma's saltwater fall out of her hands, on the table. Luckily, the salt didn't wake up because it wasn't there.

- What are you shouting about? - Swann was dissatisfied when she returned to slicing up the salad she had started making half an hour earlier.

- I've called you three times already, but you haven't reacted in any way," Henry said, stirring the boiling soup with a cook, which smelled amazingly good given the condition of the mother. - Did something happen?

- What makes you think that? It's okay," Emma said stubbornly, putting aside the raw zucchini that she was going to cut. By the way, what was he doing on the table?

- You can see that" Mills grinned like a mother, copying the cunning shine in his eyes, often appearing in his adoptive mother's eyes. This comparison made Emma shudder nervously and knife the board to dispel the obsession. Henry decided not to comment and put some soup in the ladle to try. From one sip he wrinkled like a prune and coughed up.

- How much salt did you pour out there? - Henry hoarsely grabbed the glass, poured water into it, and immediately drained it.

- A little," Emma lied impudently, "apparently she poured out everything in the big salt cellar.

- Did you fall in love? - Henry tried to laugh, but the nasty taste of salt still settled on his tongue, which made it impossible to move in. With these words, Swann darkened and lowered her head, hanging her hair on her face, so that her son would not see her cheekbones pink. To admit to her child that she had a crush on his foster mother was too much for their weird world.

- I guessed it," Henry hummed. He came up to her from behind and gently hugged her, putting his head on her shoulder blades. - Mom, why were you so scared? It's not a battle, it's just love.

Emma decided to keep quiet that in the case of the Evil Queen with whom they had been fighting for some time, any moment could be like a battle. But Regina... she is adorable. Bold, bright, but at the same time enveloped in seductive darkness. It merged good and evil in a bizarre mixture when you can do evil deeds for the good and not feel remorse. Sharp on the tongue, charming, cognizant of so much pain, but ready to find happiness again. Emma wanted to give Regina she deserved a happy ending, but so many times her heroism spoiled everything and destroyed the strained relationship that Swan was afraid to take a step forward.

- Don't worry so," Henry smiled, bypassing his mother and trying a salad that she had just finished, but immediately choked. - Just don't invite us to dinner if you don't want to get salty love.

The guy ran to spit out the unheavy vegetables and rinse his mouth again, but Emma began to have a brilliant plan. She quickly pulled out the phone and set up a text message to a long-delivered number.

"How about a bar? I'll give you a beer or something stronger. ES".

The answer came immediately, and he made Emma smile happily, forcing her to admire her beloved.

"Be sure to be stronger, Ms. Swan. And don't hope that this will end quickly. RM".