Colchicum: highly dangerous plant, often mistaken for Crocus: this one comes out in Autumn. If the animal comes into contact with it externally it could have dermatitis and fever, while ingestion causes gastrointestinal disorders.
Devil's wort: deadly also for man, it causes arrhythmias and convulsions.
Dieffenbachia: all varieties. The poisonous part consists mainly of the leaves, which if swallowed can give stomatitis, if touched dermatitis by irritation.
Digital: it contains digitalin, a powerful cardiac stimulant, which is found everywhere in the plant, on the plant, in the smoke that could be released if burned and in the water in case of cut flowers. It can cause diarrhea, vomiting (for those who can - rabbits cannot vomit) and cardiac arrhythmias.
Dulcamara: the poisonous part is mainly immature fruits. It causes diarrhea and, for those who can, vomiting (rabbits cannot vomit).
Poisonous ivy: especially berries that cause gastroenteric symptoms, diarrhea, hyperactivity, breathing difficulties, coma, polydipsia, pupil dilation.
English ivy: leaves and fruits are highly poisonous and, if ingested, gastroenteritis can result in coma and death in a short time.
Devil's ivy: the entire plant, if ingested, can give stomatitis and irritation dermatitis.
Hellebore: a close cousin of digital, it contains elleborein and damages the heart. The bitter taste can dissuade you from ingestion. It also causes hypersalivation, colic, hemorrhagic diarrhea, convulsions and paralysis.
Horsetail: also called horsetail; it is toxic only if fresh.
Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus leaves are toxic, but only if taken in large quantities.
Euphorbia: All the different species are highly irritating, due to the hairs present on the leaves and stem. It can cause strong salivation, rubbing of the mucous membranes, tremors, breathing difficulties and muscle weakness.
False Jasmine: Its real name is Trachelospermo and can cause visual disturbances, breathing difficulties and convulsions.
Aquiline and Male fern: contain floroglucine derivatives, hydrocyanic compounds and the enzyme thiaminase which decomposes vitamin B1; if swallowed, DO NOT give laxatives based on oil or fat.
Philodendron: The dangerous part is the leaves. Causes lesions caused by contact with the tongue and oral mucous membranes.
Hyacinth: especially the bulb, which causes diarrhea, occasionally with blood, depression, tremors and, for those who can, vomiting (rabbits, remember, are unable to vomit).
Daffodil: Bulbs, if swallowed, can cause gastroenteritis.
Gladiolus: causes depression, diarrhea, occasionally with blood, hypersalivation, abdominal pain and, for those who can, vomiting, occasionally with blood (rabbits, remember, are unable to vomit).
Wisteria: seeds and pods contain wistaria glycoside, which is also toxic to humans; it causes violent vomiting (rabbits are unable to vomit), diarrhea and abdominal pain (even to rabbits!).
Buckwheat: Like all cereals, it is highly harmful to rabbits.
Hypericum: poisonous in all its parts.
Horse chestnut: fruits and twigs, if ingested, can cause diarrhea.
Iris, orris: especially rhizome can cause depression, diarrhea, occasionally with blood, hypersalivation, abdominal pain and, for those who can vomit, occasionally with blood (rabbits can not vomit).
Kalanchoe: poisonous in all its parts, it causes serious damage only if ingested in large quantities.
Lantana camara: the poisonous part is mainly the berries. It is also dangerous for humans and causes skin damage from photosensitization and liver damage.
Laurocerasum: contains hydrocyanic and prussic acids that are released into the circulatory system; it is one of the fastest known toxins: it causes cytotoxic anoxia (blocks cellular respiration), convulsions and cerebral palsy.
Coniferous wood: pine, juniper, fir, larch.
Citrus wood: lemon, cedar, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, quinoa.
Stone wood: peach, apricot, plum, cherry.
Lilium (bulbs): causes gastroenteric symptoms, stomatitis, diarrhea and kidney failure.
Ornamental lupin: Causes muscle weakness, paralysis, convulsions and respiratory depression.
Corn: Not toxic or poisonous, but still harmful to rabbits.
Mandrake officinarum: a dose of 10-20 mg is dangerous for all pets and children; 200 mg. are dangerous for adults: it causes hypertension, fever, kidney complications, delirium and hallucinations that can last for days.
Appletree: the seeds are toxic. They contain cyanogenic glucosides that cause neurological symptoms of intoxication with convulsions, spasms and breathing difficulties.
Monstera deliciosa: causes irritation to oral mucous membranes with an intense burning of the lips, tongue, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing.