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How do you run to lose weight?


Running is considered to be one of the most effective ways to fight against extra pounds. Running load is distributed evenly over all muscle groups, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, metabolic processes begin to run more actively and faster, fat is burned. Not only weight is lost. Runner's legs become relief, the body becomes graceful, but not pumped.

One desire and daily jogging is not enough. You can run in the morning and in the evening, but do not achieve any visible results. The main thing is not just to run, but to do it by a certain method.

What is the use of running?

This is an active activity:

  1. Complexly strengthens the muscles of the body;
  2. enriches the blood with oxygen;
  3. Increases the vital capacity of lung tissue;
  4. strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  5. Increases the strength and endurance of the bones.

The multi-faceted impact has a positive effect on health and wellbeing.

Why aren't jogging effective?

When a daily run of 15 to 20 minutes doesn't burn fat, a person gets frustrated and simply stops exercising. In order to avoid such a fate for the newcomer, it is necessary to clearly understand that such a scheme of training is ineffective. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the human body, which is impossible to "outsmart".

Jogging, which is characterized by low speed, requires a certain amount of energy. It is taken from glycogen - sugar stored in the liver for an "emergency" case, that is, when the body is under additional stress. Its resource is enough to provide from 30 to 40 minutes of activity and muscle recharge.

A short exercise leads to the fact that the glycogen is consumed only partially, and then is replenished along with the food. And since glycogen is not completely produced, fat is not used as an energy source. Consequently, fat burning does not occur and weight does not decrease.


How to run to lose weight

The use of fat as an energy source usually occurs during the flow of blood and the increase in oxygen concentration in the area of fatty deposits. This process is accompanied by heavy breathing and fatigue.

And in order to burn the fat layer while running, the jogging time should be at least 50 minutes. This will allow the metabolism to switch from glycogen to fat. Running for more than 95 minutes is also not recommended. Refractory fats break down quite slowly. And if the loads are longer, the energy may be insufficient, and it will be replenished from proteins, resulting in a loss of not only fat but also muscle mass.

Interval running benefits

A hundred-meter sprint run is accompanied by special physiological processes, thanks to which the number of calories burned is simply enormous. A sprint stometrock completely breaks down the glycogen in the liver, and a subsequent transition to a lower rate restores its reserves by splitting fat deposits.

Sprint not only actively consumes glycogen, but also contributes to increased blood flow to the muscles, which is accompanied by intensive oxidation of fats with simultaneous release of energy, which begins to accumulate in the form of carbohydrates. Interval running lasting 20-30 minutes exhausts the runner completely, and fats continue to be burned.

According to some reports, after a high-speed run, the burning of fat takes about 6 hours. The muscle mass is not affected

Contraindications for running

The benefits of running are invaluable for the body and figure, but there are certain medical indicators that should not be neglected.

Running is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the spine, injuries, acute diseases, varicose veins. If you neglect these recommendations, after jogging, the patient's condition may deteriorate significantly, and the disease exacerbate.

It is necessary to give up jogging for women during pregnancy. Sprint is completely contraindicated in lactation. Lactic acid is released into milk during intensive loads. It can make the taste of milk unpleasant for the child.