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Cats-interesting facts

Cats are one of the oldest human companions. They appeared about 12 million years ago. Being near a person for a long time, they are accustomed to the presence of people and even animals that live on the street, have actually tamed man and do not feel aggression towards him. Gentle and affectionate, cats at the same time remain wild predators. So you need to be careful — even domestic cats may hurt to bite or badly scratched. Cats can carry rabies — a deadly disease from which there is virtually no cure. We present interesting facts about cats for children and adults.

Features of the organism

Interesting facts about cats - especially external species and organism:

  1. Body cats consists of 246 broken bones and 517 muscle inflammation.
  2. Several interesting facts about cats-especially hearing. Cats have quite well-developed hearing. They pick up sounds at a frequency of 60 kHz. A person ceases to hear the sound after 20 thousand Hertz. Ears cats cite in movement 20 muscle inflammation, and deploy their they can virtually on 180 degrees.
  3. The tip of the nose of the cat has a unique pattern, like fingerprints in humans.
  4. Cats prefer food at room temperature, using a nose like a thermometer. They sort of sniff before they eat. They are also able to determine the ambient temperature.
  5. Cats have well developed sense of smell.
  6. Have 30 teeth. Kittens, like humans, have baby teeth that change at the age of 6 months.
  7. Cats have twelve pairs of whiskers (whiskers), with which they are guided in space.
  8. Scientists have not yet figured out how cats reproduce purring sound. They are capable of producing more than 100 different sounds.
  9. They have a rough tongue and do not feel the sweet taste.
  10. The movement of the tail, you can determine what emotions a cat is experiencing.
  11. Due to the fact that kidney cats filtered salt, they are able to drink sea water.
  12. Sleep 2/3 life. When kittens sleep, they produce growth hormone.
  13. Many cats are lactose intolerant.
  14. The normal body temperature of a cat is 38 degrees.
  15. Cats can't come down from the tree upside down over the structure of the claws.
  16. Heart of cats beats virtually in two times faster human.
  17. Many human medications can cause burns and poisoning in cats. Aspirin for cats is deadly.


Interesting facts about cats-history:

  1. It is believed that all cats came from proailurus, who inhabited the planet 30 million years ago. During domestication, they have not changed much.
  2. Several interesting facts from life cats in Ancient Egypt. In Ancient Egypt cats very be loved, they played some role in their pagan religion. Cats could be executed for smuggling. When a cat died, the whole family shaved their eyebrows as a sign of grief. The Egyptians could not kill cats, because Assyrian warriors tied them to shields. The most ancient breed of cats is considered to be the Egyptian Mau breed.
  3. The first cat show in 1871 was held in London.
  4. One of the richest cats-Blackie, the owner bequeathed him $ 18 million.
  5. The most expensive cat is Little Nicky, the owner paid $ 50,000 for the kitten.
  6. During world war II, after breaking the blockade in Leningrad was sent four cars of cats to fight the invasion of rats.
  7. Cats protect the values of the Hermitage from mice and rats. This cat is founded by Catherine the Great, it operates to this day.

Relationships with people

Interesting about cats-relationships with humans.

  1. Several interesting facts about cats and cats-way communication. With the help meowing cats communicate only with humans, in rubbing shoulders between themselves use other sounds. Begging for something from a person, they can be very persistent and demanding and can, without stopping, meow for several hours.
  2. Cats are sedative, so they give birth to owners who have cardiovascular disease.
  3. These funny animals are very fond of in Australia-almost 90% of Australians contain these animals.
  4. Excessive love of cats is called ailurophilia.
  5. Cats are very willful and independent. Trainer Yuri Kuklachev believes that cats can not be forced to perform any action if they do not want to.
  6. Cats anticipate various cataclysms, such as earthquakes.
  7. Cats are able to return to their home, overcoming huge distances. How they do it remains a mystery.
  8. About cats there are many mysteries and fairy tales, these exciting works can be read to a child. One of the most famous stories is "puss in boots".

There are many interesting facts about cats, which can be used as for narratives child, so and for reports and abstracts for students different classes. A lot of information relates to wild cats (lions, tigers, Cougars, leopards, snow leopards, lynxes), but we have considered only the one that can be applied to Pets.