Peter's ears were littered, and Flash was starting to look like a dumped-out fish.
When they were done with the questions, Kate took their class into the hallway.
- Now,- she started, - you and I will look at the labs above where... - she didn't have time to finish the sentence.
- That sounds very interesting, and it sounds like a plan in general, - a voice that Peter knew too well was heard, and everyone turned around instantly to see the one and only Tony Stark lazily leaning against the wall. He stuck one hand in his pocket while the other was hanging sunglasses on his T-shirt. He didn't look officially, rather, quite routinely. But even in simple gray trousers and a white T-shirt, he did not lose confidence and elegance, which is directly shouted: yes, it is indeed the same Anthony Edward Stark.
Tony pushed back from the wall and slowly headed for their group.
- But what kind of tour was that without a little improvisation, was I wrong? Let's add a little spice and see something really worthwhile, what do you say?
The silence that came with his sudden appearance instantly dispelled, and the corridor was filled with rapturous squeals of thirty-two students. Peter tried to get lost in the crowd. Tony's face was shining with a cheerful smile that turned into a big smile when he looked at Peter.
- Oh, Pete, if you think you've managed to hide out there, I have some bad news for you, - he said, trying to say it casually, but all the conversations were immediately silent, and all thirty-two pairs of eyes were staring at Peter.
It seemed that the number of times Peter had been targeted by his classmates had already surpassed his daily norm.
- I wasn't, uh, hiding, - he replied, reluctantly approaching Tony when the crowd parted like the Red Sea. However, his irritation had simply evaporated when he approached Tony. It was as if Tony's intimacy itself had a calming effect on him. He almost wanted to get angry about it.
In Tony's eyes appeared a cheerful shine, and the corners of his lips trembled in a new smile, when he looked at Peter and, reaching out his hand, pulled the cord on his sweatshirt, before smoothing it out in front.
- So that's where she went, - he said as if he was surprised he hadn't guessed it before, but his eyes were soft. - And I was beginning to worry that I had finally reached the age when people forgotten where they had left their belongings.
- Oh, yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't find my jacket, - Peter said, sticking my hands deeper into my sweatshirt pockets. Tony just shook his shoulders, obviously without worrying about this little act of kleptomania.
- But I found her in my lab. By the way, - he turned to the students, who were so excited about their conversation, as if two deities had come down from the sky. Some seemed to be on the verge of fainting, - so we're going now. But, remember, do not touch anything. The most important rule: if something looks dangerous, most likely, so it is. Even if something does not look dangerous, there is a good chance that it is still dangerous. Or it can just make a terrible mess. I don't want to be responsible for lost fingers or heads - this adds to the paperwork. Now that you all know, let's look at the place where magic is born!
The lab was amazing, of course. As soon as someone asked the first question, they flowed down the river, and Tony patiently answered each of them, showing different prototypes and explaining their work.
- Peter helps me a lot, - he said, answering a phrase that Peter hadn't heard. - He's improved Romanoff's Widow Bites and he's also often worried about Spider-Man outfits. Kiddo, will you show us something you've been working on recently?
Peter has thrown his head up sharply.
- Oh, uh, okay, - he mumbled, approaching one of the metal cabinets and looking at Tony again for confirmation.
He gently pulled out one of the shooters that hadn't been fully repaired and hurried back to Tony, stretching out his hand in front of him for everyone to see.
- Uh, well, one of the projects I'm working on right now is Spider-Man shooters, - he started, restlessly holding the shooter in your hands to keep them busy. - We all see that he often uses them and counts on them, so it's very important that everything works best. Also, they shouldn't fail or break easily. I went over this one after I did some upgrades - I added a few more spider web bottles, and something else - but the trigger is still, well, still too sensitive, and it doesn't exactly work the way it should...
*Read continue by the link below: * (original text)