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Wanderer.Episode 9. You cannot escape fate.


The day was running out. The sun slowly tilted towards sunset and less and less often threw its last reddish-yellow rays on the ground, giving way to the darkness, which imperceptibly conquered all the visible space for the black mist.

As always, for the second week in a row, after the "favorite", monotonous and routine work, I went to my dacha. After a long winter, I wanted to get out of the stuffy city apartment more quickly to the newly awakening wildlife. Because the long winter winter winter has drunk all the juices of life, and without the help of Mother Nature can not make up for them. Yes, and sunlight and warmth wanted. So I went every evening out of town to bring in the spring so that the long-awaited summer would not delay. And along the way, his favorite cottage filled it with life, transferred it from the category of abandoned, uninhabited to the category of neglected, neglected, lived in.

The road was deserted, there were almost no oncoming cars, and the monotonous trip lulled him to sleep. And even after last night's sleepless night, when the youth in the next house noted something that I couldn't help but take part in, I didn't notice much clarity of thought in my head.

- Don't sleep, Grisha! - I commanded myself, after another attempt to bite the steering wheel at the car.

Where did this "Mercedes" come from, I did not understand at once. I guess I just overslept or thought about something of my own and didn't notice it suddenly appeared. The guys were sitting in the "dead zone" and then at the moment of my rearrangement they sharply went into a collision. The body worked by itself, without any reasonable commands from the head-on reflexes, on muscle memory. The eyes noticed some movement on the right side, the leg automatically depressed the brake pedal, the hands turned the steering wheel out of the turn.

My "eight" froze on the spot, froze like a dug in. After that, my head finally realized that something had happened. She simply did not have time to switch so quickly from a quiet trip to force majeure. Unlike me, the driver of the Mercedes did not help his reaction, and the heavy Mercedes safely wiped its left side on the front bumper of my car and then stopped. It is possible to tell, I was lucky, on a bumper of my eight there was only a short strip of paint from another's car and nothing more: neither dents nor chips. "The Mercedes was much less fortunate: it showed significant scratches and damage all over the port side...

I've been in a car accident before. It was almost two years ago...

And what awaits me now? After all, this is not a car technology, here we have a "human factor" in the form of...

The Mercedes is quite calm, somewhere in the middle of nowhere - where this fool is going! - two skinhead boogers came out. Two strong brothers, both wearing black jackets, black pants, and black shirts. Their square faces were easy to read: they were always right. Very cool guys. And they were a hundred percent sure that this was an undeniable truth for everyone. But I didn't notice any glimpses of intelligence in their eyes - apparently, nature rested on them. But I immediately noticed the abundance of gold: both of them had a lot of chains on their necks, and the other one had an impressive seal on his right hand.

What can I do, "Image - everything!" That's what I have to correspond to such an entourage. Active waving of hands, stormy swinging on their own, only in their understandable language, waving as the wings of the jacket made the "brothers" look like big, racing black crows. And crows love so much everything that shines, let alone gold...

These big angry crows were running around their Mercedes, starting to "make a fuss". Slowly, in small, silent steps, I began to approach them. I never considered myself a weakling, since childhood was physically well developed, and a sprout daddy and mom were not offended. But here the situation was slippery. And it does not matter whether you are right or not. I didn't want to get involved with "crows" once again. They will fly in the whole pack and just hurt to conclude. They can even die...

Continued in the next episode...