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Good Story Daily

The completion of the story. Falling stars.



A few days later

Jade woke up from the nasty ringing of her alarm clock. Reaching out, she reluctantly rolled onto her back, and stared at the ceiling with an unblinking gaze. I absolutely did not want to get up, but the repeated trill of the alarm clock forced her to do this. Having splashed into the bathroom, she quickly washed her face, and dressed in the first sundress she got out of the house.

The children were already waiting for her on the street, crowding around one girl, and were discussing something vigorously.

- Stunned!

- Did she cut her hair ?!

- Wow!

- Good morning! - stepping closer, she managed to notice how the culprit hid the magazine in a backpack. “Is everyone ready for breakfast?”

- Yeah! - came from all sides, making her smile.

- Then let's go!

At the very dining room, she noticed through the window Rick sitting at the counselor table. Her heart sped up, as soon as she remembered that night by the fire. It seems that there was nothing, but those short touches ... Burning glances ...

Her knees trembled, and she almost fell, having managed to grab the wall at the last moment.

- Are you okay? - Hannah approached her.

- Of course, everything is fine, do not worry.

Once inside, Jade quickly seated everyone in their places, and went to Rick and the others.

“Hello everyone,” she said quietly.

“Hi,” Macy said cheerfully. “We were waiting for you, and Rick,” she pushed her friend in the side, “ordered you coffee.”

Thank you, she smiled warmly at the guy, and sat down, on the contrary. - What are you all reading? She asked, noting the magazine opened in front of Rick. But, recognizing the photos on the page, she flinched.

“A new photoshoot of Jade, and an interview,” Diana said, rolling her eyes. - What everyone found in her, I don’t understand ...

Macy turned to her friend.

“Well, maybe she’s a strong personality?” Besides insanely talented and with an awesome voice?

Jade could not resist and giggled.

- Can I have a second? She held out her hand.

Rick handed her the magazine, and their fingers touched. From this, the girl's heart froze again.

Looking down at the fresh Playboy, Moore opened her mouth in surprise.

All the photos were surprisingly amazing. Here she is, in one underwear, lying on the bed, slightly bending her left leg in the knee, and turning her head to the side. Here she is sitting sideways, completely naked, covered only by her hair. “I must say that this black wig is very personal,” thought Jade.

But most of all, she liked the picture where she, in short leather shorts and a corset, with her hands behind her head, looked directly at the camera. On the lips - a sincere smile. She remembered that moment - Christine told another joke, and she tried her best not to laugh.

She has ... cool tattoos, she said only, returning the magazine.

- The work of a famous tattoo artist. Kat out Dee, ”Macy answered.

- Do you want to do yourself? Rick asked, looking up.

Jade nearly choked on coffee.

- Um ...

In fact, I have almost nowhere to sculpt them, except on my ass, she thought.

- Maybe.

Suddenly, from the lenses, the left eye began to water. Blinking a couple of times, Jade tried to remove the discomfort, but he did not disappear.

Sorry, she got up from the table. - I'll be back soon.

Having run out into the street, she rushed to her house. Once in the bathroom, she turned on the light and took off the lenses. She took the lens solution from the shelf, she washed them and was about to put them back on when she suddenly heard Macy's voice:

- Julia? Are you okay?

Hands froze.

- Yes, yes, give me a second! - with trembling fingers, she somehow coped with the task, and now instead of her native light blue, warm brown eyes looked at her. I'm sorry I made you worry. Lens problems have arisen. Without them, I am blind as a mole, ”she joked.

Macy turned to her voice.

- It's strange, but it seemed to me that ... However, it doesn’t matter. Come, after breakfast we have beach volleyball.

Jade exhaled. Everything worked out.

This time.



Rick was lying on the bed, watching telly and flipping through the same number "Playboy". From the cover, Jade looked at him, slyly squinting her eyes, and with a slight grin on her lips. Something painfully familiar was in the expression on her face. Rick could have sworn he saw her.

But where? How could he forget such a meeting?

"Man, you need to ventilate your brains!" He thought. Leaving the house, he headed straight towards the beach, hoping to be there alone. Julia ... Again penetrated all his thoughts. In the morning he told him that he fell in love. And that this feeling will bring him a lot of problems.

“Remember your ex, Ricky!” - and he immediately shook with disgust.

His last girlfriend seemed to him an ideal. They had been dating for almost a year, and Peters even bought an engagement ring. However, as practice has shown - Linda Atkins was not enough for him alone. Almost two years passed, and he did not get along with anyone. Julia is the first girl who again made him feel.

Finally, ahead appeared the expanse of the lake, illuminated only by the moon. He closed his eyes for a second and inhaled the forest air with pleasure.

An unexpectedly splashing sound made him startle. Going forward, he froze in place with his mouth open, as if struck by thunder.

Julia swam in the lake. In a bang. His body immediately responded with excitement when the girl rolled onto her back, and over the water her full, elastic breasts, flat stomach appeared, and ...

Taking a step back, he stepped on a branch, and there was a loud crack. Julia, noticing his presence, cried out in surprise, and went under the water. After a couple of seconds, her head again appeared above her head.

“What the hell are you doing here ?!”