The pain was cut to the temples, the bones were shot with a hammer, it became cold to the pounding chills and at the same time, it was stuffy that the hand is still trying to break the tight gate. The brushes began to twitch. Colored spots danced in front of his eyes. The curse... And this is magic?
- Hey, what are you doing?
- Runga's tense voice came through the cotton wool to me.
- I, kha!... I don't know, wait...
- I finally got the spell, but here are the consequences...
While I was preparing it, everything was fine; the feeling of a correctly lined design, the energy fluxes of my slightly tickling fingers, the soft gravity of the pattern fixed on the aura... Very small, like a small coin, which to feel in your pocket you need to focus well. Everything was perfect! The spell hangs in full readiness, but let go and you will immediately get the effect. But when I did, it was as if I had walked through my brain with a file.
- Well, did you catch your breath? - and I didn't think to wait for anything gray orc.
- Come on, come on, come on, come on, you can't be so dead, even that shameful misunderstanding of the orchid with the wild boar that I, no other than in the seizure of senile madness, took up teaching the day before last, could do this trick ten times in a row! Don't even think about embarrassing me more! In your case, I wasn't drinking on a wrong day, so I wouldn't be able to puke even such a pathetic excuse as temporary insanity in the face of Grumsh!
- Everything, I am working, he said. Vithievato mixed up with the mud on any occasion Rung could spend hours interfering with the Orcanian and Goblin dialects, literally giving them a completely unexpected depth. Only now his speech was given by roulades of a perforator punching into whiskey.
It was noisy in my head, but not wanting to lose precious moments of silence, I reached out to a hand over a heap of wood mixed with dry roots and... I realized I couldn't remember the spell. That is, at all.
- What again? - The orc was interested in the subtle, emotive tone of the tone.
- I forgot the spell, you don't know what to answer, answer the truth.
- Ahh... That's what you're talking about, Rung said in-depth, scratching his chin.
- Of course you've forgotten it! - If the ceiling was lower, it would have been dusty.
- Why did I give you the Book of Spells? If a certain nobility thinks to wipe his ass, then we apologize, we - the people are wild, simple, more and more moss for this business spoil and even recommend it, it is said, for the skin useful for the workers in the humus to drag handy! Don't be offended by the stupid shaman who has fallen into marasmus, he is not evil, he is not evil, he is ill, but he is impoverished, but he hasn't thought that scientists hungry for knowledge can use a book written by hand for something other than reading. Forgive the fool!
Having helped me from the herd of rhinoceroses that had passed through my brains, I took a rubbed notebook that was proudly called the Book of Spells, which had recently been solemnly handed over to me by Rung, and, trying to get rid of the continuing flow of words, I plunged into reading.
The notebook, I understand, was his trophy from a distant youth and had previously belonged to a young magician who had been unlucky enough to meet my teacher. It was a long time ago, and Rung himself did not remember who the unknown magician was, and the old shaman only murmured at my question, something like no way to stand there when an ax flies at you. What, in fact, the biography of the former owner and ended upon.
The scheme of gestures and words were easily remembered, causing the soul serious concerns for their own mental health. Because in the right mind it was not possible to forget "it" - three syllables, two movements of the fingers in the brush folded down by a boat - one of the simplest household spells, which would remember and preschoolers. But there was no time to indulge in self-abasement, especially since compared to Runga's continuing flight of fancy, my own efforts would still look extremely pitiful.
When I finished preparing, I solemnly shredded a combination of sounds, and a slide of chips flashed with the tongues of magical flame. This time, I didn't hang up the spell, but immediately nourished it. I waited for the pain, but I wasn't ready anyway, it was three times stronger than the last time, but I refrained from moaning, just closed my eyes for a minute and clenched my teeth.
- Ah, your soul was in Abyss through Groomesha, so it would hiccup, but in all the cesspools...