I am Meallan the Irish cat of the group, one day I will tell you my story and how from a prognosis of IRC (chronic renal failure) at the last stage (already subcutaneous drip to rehydrate) the simple change of diet has given me a health far from apparent! I'm always sick, unfortunately, you realize the disease when the functionality of a kidney is already compromised for 70%, but healthy eating makes sure that the remaining 30% works properly. But now I want to talk about dysbiosis in the cat, which perhaps has nothing to do with my story or maybe yes. The term dysbiosis indicates an alteration of the bacterial flora.
Specifically, dysbiosis in cats is of enormous importance, yet we cats often witness unnecessary diatribes: the position of modern western official medicine, which does not consider intestinal dysbiosis as a real disease but probably an "effect" of other diseases and against the whole vein of supporters of alternative and natural approaches that instead exalt the "cause" of many other diseases.
A whole question of cause and effect and in particular to determine what is the cause and what is the effect then?
Cats are known to be more pragmatic in the face of these things and acting again instinctively we go to evaluate only what interests us directly, always positioning ourselves in the wise "middle way".
We don't care if our intestinal bacterial flora is altered because of other diseases or if the same "dysbiosis" is not the main forerunner for all other diseases, what we care about is to have, if possible, an intestinal flora in place.
We do not underestimate, however, the fact that our "sixth sense" often leads us to make instinctive assessments and "belly" precisely and much makes us realize that most of our health problems come primarily from an incorrect diet ... that right in the belly ends.
We realize, in a very pragmatic way, that we ourselves select without knowing which bacterial colonies to host in our intestines, and we do so through nutrition.
The bacterial flora lives, in fact, thanks to the residues of unabsorbed food and each bacterial strain would have its own nutritional needs.
In the case of intestinal dysbiosis in the cat, there is a drastic reduction in the number of bacteria that should colonize our intestines, and this to us just ... does not go down. Intestinal dysbiosis in the cat and IRC
Also because we are aware that these bacteria act as a barrier to other bad bacteria and inhibiting the activity of the latter we avoid infections and other pathogenic activities, regulate intestinal metabolism and with it the "permeability" of the intestinal barrier itself.
Otherwise, the bad bacteria make the barrier of the intestinal mucosa more permeable, and through it, they would allow the transit of toxins (heavy metals, chemical additives, preservatives, etc.) and infectious agents such as fungi and parasites that would end up in the blood and then would also reach the brain.
How much damage these cursed! And so how important it is to have efficient immune defenses!
In the intestine resides 40% of all the body's immune defenses, it would be imprudent not to give the right weight to this fact!
Intestinal dysbiosis in cats can give rise to a number of other diseases including:
Diarrhoea, constipation, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, various inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), enteritis, colitis, gastric infections, autoimmune and psycho-somatic diseases, allergies, intolerances (including celiac disease), rectocolitis, arthritis and arthrosis, dyspraxia (difficulty in coordinating movements), skin diseases, lymphoma, liver and kidney disease (CKD), malabsorption in general, and various abnormal behavioral states such as anxiety and hyperactivity or depression and aggression.
We would like to reiterate our idea already highlighted in this other article of how the brain and intestines are closely linked already to the emotional level, here we can only reiterate the importance of a proper diet at the base of the very existence of us cats and unfortunately we are talking about an industrial diet instead toxic from which we must learn to detoxify gradually and stay away as much as possible (crunchy food and pet food canned or in handy bags and similar).
Continuing to feed ourselves with industrial food we store a huge amount of poisons, food additives, pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals, waste, and pasteurized derivatives and made attractive to us and accessible only through the indiscriminate use of other poisons and chemical devilish appetizers.
This must stop.
Our seven lives are all condensed into a handful of years to be spent happily by your side and with some of your attention.