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Tatyana Peltzer.


Beloved grandmother of Soviet cinema


Tatyana Peltzer is one of the Soviet actresses most beloved by the people, who embodied the image of a cheerful old age for the viewer. Her biography was stormy, and the path to fame took 40 years.

Tatyana Ivanovna was born in Moscow on June 6, 1904. Father - Russified German Ivan Romanovich Peltzer (Johann Robertovich by birth), mother - Esfir Borukhovna, daughter of a rabbi. After 2 years, they had another baby - son Alexander. Ivan Peltzer was a well-known actor and teacher at that time, the creator of a private theater school, in which such renowned actors as Vladimir Volodin and Leonid Utesov studied. He became the only acting teacher for his daughter Tatyana (Alexander did not show interest in this profession). It is not surprising that she began to go on stage as a child, debuting for the first time in the play “Camo Gryadeshi” at the age of 9 years.

The long road to fame, Tatyana Peltzer in his youth

The theatrical career of Tatyana in her youth did not work out. Perhaps her talent at that time had not yet been revealed, or the lack of classical education hindered, but in her young years, the actress changed many theaters. She began her independent theatrical activities in 1920 in the Yeysk drama theater. Then for several years, she traveled around the country - Nakhichevan, Penza ... In the 25th year, she was accepted into the troupe of the MGPSS theater (now the Moscow City Council Theater), where she served 5 years before her departure to Germany with her husband, the German communist Hans Teibler. In 1931, Tatyana returned to Moscow and again got a job at the MGPSS theater as an auxiliary staff. After 3 years, she was fired for unsuitability ...


During her stay in Germany, Tatyana mastered the specialty of a typist, which allowed her to get a job in this capacity at the AMO engineering plant (where her brother Alexander was then the chief designer). After working here for 2 years, she left for Yaroslavl, where she became an actress of the Drama Theater. Fedor Volkov (36-37). Then she returned to Moscow and worked for some time at the Collective Farm Theater and at the same theater of MGPSS. The first theater in which Tatyana stayed for a long time - 7 years - was the Theater of Miniatures, where Peltzer came in the 40th. Her famous stage partners were such famous actors as Rina Zelenaya, Maria Mironova, Alexander Menaker, who competed with very difficult. In the 47th city, Tatyana Ivanovna moved to the Satire Theater, with which she did not leave for 30 years.

Late movie debut

The film debut took place with Peltzer in a passing role in the satirical comedy “The Wedding” (1943), and the first serious work was the role of Plaksina in the film “Ordinary People” (directed by Grigory Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg, 1945). Only when Tatyana Ivanovna exceeded 40 did her first success comes to her: the image of the collective farm parasite Lukerya Pokhlebkina in the movie play “Wedding with the Dowry” (1953) really pleased the viewer, and the main role of the soldier’s mother in the adventure comedy “Soldier Ivan” brought fame Brovkin ”(dir. Ivan Lukinsky, 1955). After the film was released, both Tatyana Peltzer and Leonid Kharitonov, who played her son, became famous. After 3 years, the continuation of the picture came out - “Ivan Brovkin on the virgin lands”, which was also enthusiastically received by the people.

Peltzer no longer had to wait for directorial offers - until she was very old she remained the most popular “grandmother” of Soviet cinema. Unfortunately, she rarely got important roles. The most striking of them were works in the children's comedy “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” (where 65-year-old grandmother Toma climbed over the fence herself and rode on the roof of the trolleybus) and the role of the eccentric old woman in the melodrama “You Never Had Dreamed,” which nearly ruined her own grandson, played by Nikita Mikhailovsky.

In 1972, Tatyana Peltzer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR - the first of the cast of the Satire Theater (by this time she already had the title of Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR and numerous awards).


The last years of the great actress

For a very long time, the health of the actress could only be envied, but old age took its toll: in the late 80s, Tatyana Ivanovna began to lose her memory. She asked her housekeeper Anna Kukina to help her learn the roles but still could not remember the text. In addition, Peltzer began to develop Alzheimer's disease, which was used (according to Kukina) by a certain friend of hers, Irina Mikhailovna. She set up the actress, who was no longer aware of reality, against the person who had served her for 22 years and forced Anna to leave, having assigned another housekeeper to Tatyana Ivanovna. The aim of the adventurer was 2-room apartment Peltzer on Chernikhovskaya. Having a will in her favor, Irina Mikhailovna got rid of the actress, hiding her in a psychiatric hospital named after Gannushkin.

The actress died on July 16, 1992, in the 89th year of her life and was buried in Vvedensky cemetery next to her father and brother.