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I was lucky at the beginning of the third night - sitting in the forest, armed people were found about ten kilometers from the place of my "arts", according to the laws of meanness - in the opposite direction of my first searches. Perhaps, if I knew certain tricks of trackers, the time could be greatly shortened, but I had only a sense of life, a sensitive nose and common sense at my disposal. Besides, I didn't want to catch a portion of the "invigorating tan" again because some clouds suddenly decide to part with it, and that's why during the day the intensity of my searches fell sharply.

The new vantage of the robbers was smaller than the previous one and was obviously less armed, at least not all the bows had bows. At first glance, they didn't look like robbers, but rather like a caravan of thirty reasonable ones, a dozen horses and several carts. The picture was spoilt by the old smell of blood in the air, which was absorbed in the clothes of the majority of those present, as well as by the death emanations hovering around them. The latter do not appear from killing animals. Not so obvious and... Concentrated.

Trying not to make any noise, I slowly and carefully sneaked up to the parking lot and looked around. A third of the three with a small number of inhabitants was awake, apparently, the night guard. Sentries were placed on four corners of the "perimeter" formed by carts. Two more, whose life lights were tortured by some activity, were at one point closer to the center of the camp. It's strange, what do they do there?

Having moved a little closer, so that not only the feeling of life, but also mental abilities reached unknown people in the depths of the camp, I understood two things: the first, they have nothing to do with security; the second, it is not necessary to "watch" empathy for amusing couples ... In order to avoid a strong deterioration of mood. Because you are sitting alone in a dark, wet, cold forest... Two fucking months! And they're here... um... it doesn't matter.

I didn't take much of an effort, I just waited until one of the dark-eyed people got windy and moved a little away. Then, while he was busy, I kicked his partner's brains out and, rushed on the acceleration, picked up the settling body, and then did not worry about sneaking up on the lacing up "waterman" and walked through his brains. Of course, I could have just stunned him, but if I had already gotten used to calculating the effort in telepathy, then I could have got out with physical strength - you would have hit him weakly - he would scream for an hour, and if it was too much, I could have killed him, which seriously reduced the value of prey.

Having picked up the second body, I went back to the first victim, and, almost without quacking, I took him for zakuski as well. Oh, two carcasses in iron, the total weight of two hundred pounds, it's already sensitive. Not an overload, of course, but the mass is felt. Having measured, checking whether the sensationalism is not too high, I begin to carefully move away from the camp. I do not know when they should have a change of sentries, but that it should not cause doubts. If we assume that there was a senior shift in the tent, he is unlikely to bypass the posts in the near future - very busy, but when you change, you will not go anywhere. Although I wasn't very afraid of the chase - the night ahead is still long, and experience shows that people are not dangerous for me at night.

Way to cave

The way to my cave was generally calm. I didn't bother to feed the prisoners, I gave them drinks and okay, because they are strong guys, familiar to weapons, and look, or I myself will try to kill or escape, so why create problems for themselves? These days they hardly ever came to their senses, or rather, nobody let them go there.

I did not want to risk stomping directly, though it is doubtful what they would be looking for because of the two sentinels, especially if I had a load on my shoulders that needed to be realized, but it is not enough. However, even this delay turned out to be insignificant, because there was no need to wonder anymore, and I was in a hurry if possible. By the way, two living wines with blood on their shoulders did not contribute much to it, I did not drink them dry, but even a sip of the blood of a reasonable being was more nutritious than a couple of hares.