The guy exploded:
- Why are you yelling at me? Oh, you're a...
Suddenly, the guy stopped talking and looked at me in surprise, and I asked:
- What? What?
But I realized why the guy wouldn't talk. I leaned my hand against my mouth. Shock...can't be... Max was the first to break the silence:
- Can you talk now? Nika!
- Yes? Yes! Yes! No way, Max! I say!
In an impulse of joy, I hugged the guy, and he did not resist.
- I can talk!
- Yes, Nika, you can talk.
So... Wait! I thought... or did the guy smile? No... it seemed...
- Thank you.
Max was surprised, but then he answered:
- It was nothing.
Though he treats me badly, but in this situation, he did not leave me. The guy decided to return to the conversation:
- So Rush did all this to you?
This guy can spoil the mood! What about me?
- What's wrong with me?
Max looked at me and answered:
- When you woke up, there was blood all over me, wounds and cuts all over the place, and my back... I didn't say anything about my back.
Horrible... Rush did a good job...ugly! And the guy kept asking:
- So it was Rush?
Eh...persistent. Okay, I'll tell you:
- Yes, it was Rush, but that's not the most important thing. He talked about the war. They want power. He needs this power... this damn power... in any way...
- I know about it... Rush is very cruel. He doesn't care about anyone.
- Eh... I already understood it...he needs information...a lot of information. But how do you know Rush?
- We crossed paths once. He is a terrible person.
I decided to ask a question that worries me:
- And what will happen next? The war?
The guy sighed and answered:
- There was no way to avoid war. We cannot allow its development. Everything is difficult... Everything is very serious and dangerous.
- I understand, but we have to do something!
- That's right, we have to, but you don't. You don't have the power of the element, you can't fight on equal terms with us!
That he decides everything for me:
- Don't forget that I beat you after all!
Max started screaming:
- It was an accident! You can't! You're going to get into a lot of trouble again. You'll be in our way.
- No! You don't understand me! I'm interfering in all this now! This war is mine too. I have to!
- Who puts it into your head!
This jerk doesn't understand anything! It's annoying!
Suddenly the door opened, and George came in with words:
- Max, come out.
The guy looked at the man in surprise, and he repeated it:
- Don't shout and come out. Tomorrow we will talk on the field. I've already told everyone. Did you understand?
Max answered:
- Okay.
And the guy left, and George spoke:
- Pay no attention to Max. Stress. And I see that you have a voice again. That's good. Actually, I wanted to come back tomorrow, but then I'll tell you everything now. It's very serious. Light air mages showed that they were ready to fight by their behavior. Did they say anything to you?
I sighed and answered:
- Yes. They were talking about war. Magicians want power... in any way.
- It's clear. And I brought a good friend to you. Come in.
Who is he talking about? Snack! I'm very glad:
- Snack! My good one!
The animal ran up to me and jumped on the bed. Snack was very happy:
- Nika! You're all right! You can talk! That's great!
- Yes, my good one, it's okay.
I hugged the animal and told George:
- Thank you. A lot.
The man smiled and said:
- You're welcome. I'll come back tomorrow.
And the man left, the animal began to ask everything. In the end, I had to tell you everything, and it took me a long time.
It's evening, Snack's asleep, but I can't. There are so many different thoughts in my head. My friends came to me and told me everything: how they moved and found me. Now I know how they got back: they were swallowed up by a black hole and landed in the middle of the camp. The fall wasn't the best, but Max was the only one who got hurt. Eh...difficult... Now I'm alone again... What will happen next? Wars cannot be avoided... Everything is very serious... What can we do about it? We have to act, but how? Eh... I would like to know... I got out of bed and came to the window. The full moon was shining in the sky. Beautifully... I could watch it from my window at home, just like now. The house...but I can't leave's's hard. But there shouldn't be a war! It shouldn't... it shouldn't be... it shouldn't be... it shouldn't be asleep, but how? These thoughts eat me from the inside...difficult. I can't! But I must! "It will be even harder now, but everybody believes in you! "Again the old man's voice. I have to! But why me? It means that there is something in me. Eh... I went to bed and closed my eyes... I have to sleep...tomorrow is a difficult day, as always...everything is's time to is difficult...