Next week was quiet, but in the rhythm of permanent tension. At night I was looking for a place for daytime rest, just rest, I did not fall into hibernation and did not even feel any lethargy, provided, of course, that it was possible to find a place where daylight does not penetrate, or to equip myself. Unfortunately, it wasn't always the first time it happened, and I found out in a very unpleasant way that I could still tolerate open sunlight.
It was hard, damn hard!
And it hurt. But I held it together. Actually, I didn't have any other options but to grit my teeth and endure. The burns then healed slowly and painfully, whining at every unsuccessful move, but still went away much faster than a person's. Alas, everything was not limited to one time - the forest it only seems to be unsightly and full of cover, and as the sun enters the zenith, but in a clear sky, so under the thickest bush fry. And from the branches go build a dense roof and walls, so that even the scattered light would not touch you, but every night at a new place, without skeins of kapron rope, tents, pegs, and most importantly - the ability.
Having stretched all the available clothes, wrapped in a cape and wrapped my face around it, I was able to slightly ease the negative consequences, at least in the forest it helped, though the feelings were all one, as if you were standing under a stream of very hot and dry air and at the same time carrying a bag of two potatoes on your shoulders. The injuries on the first day were probably caused by my unconscious condition. Experimentally it turned out that burns when you consciously go out into the sun and suffer pain while trying to counteract, are much less than when you are distracted, i.e. not even knowing how to use your energy, I could avoid strong problems by simply making a willful effort. However, that time, in the camp, without the control of consciousness, apparently, my mana was spent on regeneration instead of protection, hence its much bigger consumption.
After several experiments, I also discovered that I had two kinds of regeneration: physical - when the body itself is regenerating, i.e. the usual division of cells taking place at an accelerated rate. And energetic - when magic energy was spent on recovery and cells were formed from it, the process, to put it mildly, is unbelievable. Both types of regeneration were unrelated to each other, and both were controllable, so I could leave for an unlimited time any scratch that would otherwise heal within a few moments.
In principle, the regeneration of sunburns did not require much energy, although it proceeded quite slowly; but considering that I was fried for more than ten hours then, it was not surprising that I had used up all my magic. Probably the solar radiation, maybe even ultraviolet, first of all, damages the internal energy structure, and burns on the body are only a consequence of these damages. At least with careful observation, it was very similar. This leads to two conclusions:
The first is that vampire energy is very much connected with the physical body, or rather, the state of the body directly depends on the state of energy.
And secondly, as the magical power grows, the influence of light on me should fall.
However, only time can show how true these conclusions are. Although, frankly speaking, I hope that in a couple of decades, and, taking into account the diabelle, maybe even earlier, I would like to sunbathe on the beach.
By the way, the rate of regeneration could have been increased by increasing energy consumption, but there was a difficulty: to speed up healing I needed to spend four times more energy, three times more energy, nine times more, and so on. As for the replenishment of this energy, it was not necessary to drink the blood of intelligent creatures, it was possible to do with animals, although, of course, they gave much less. I also noted one more strange thing: this week I never felt thirsty, and the one that I felt, quite quenched the usual water. However, I also ate animals, maybe that's the point.
I also had an incident. On the third day of wandering through the forest, I felt very familiar to every person urges to meet the natural needs of the body.
At first, I was even confused and stood there for two minutes until I realized what a fool I was. Yeah... What makes me think vampires don't have to go to the bathroom?
Yeah, well, I've eaten much less than usual now for a reason.
To be continued...