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What do you need to survive?


Find a safe place to stay and don't draw too much attention to yourself. With food, the question is separate, it is not clear how often I need to drink blood and how long I can hold back my thirst. I also need to find out if I can eat regular food. Because now, even with burns, thirst, and hunger, I didn't feel hungry. Which is a little strange... Shock? It is quite possible.

What does it take to gain strength?

Teacher, or rather teacher. It seems to be easy, but where to find a magician who will agree to teach me? And fencing teachers too. I'm not even talking about such exoticism as a vampire teacher. If I'm right about where I'm going, vampires in this world are very different from me and won't be able to teach me how to use my abilities. I am already silent about the fact that there are no philanthropists among them, so when they meet me they will try to dissect me rather than teach me something.

In general, the priorities are to find a safe haven near human habitation, to learn the language, to understand where I am and what the political and religious situation is, especially the religious one. I would not like to please the medieval world with the flourishing inquisition and the crowds of all kinds of fighters for universal good and happiness by cleansing the souls of men from the sinfulness of being and the shackles of the flesh. Well, and then it will be possible to think how to solve other problems. In the end, near some city it will be possible to feed at the expense of the city bottom and all kinds of criminal elements, especially if not to be impudent and to cover up traces. However, here too there is a problem of security amulets and other ways of detecting otherworldly, and not so much, violators.

Also, analyzing the events of the last night, my success can only be explained by the blessing of the Darkness itself. I was too clumsy and everything was going too well. Perhaps I was right, and she was bored here, because if this is the world I wanted to go to, there are simply no dark ones. Judging by what I've read, even the gods here don't share the same way as in all normal worlds on dark and light, but on the gods of order and chaos. Although the description itself suggests that everything is not so simple, perhaps the information is wrong. In any case, the data are required directly from the inhabitants of the world, which, again, brings me back to the problem of language barrier. Because God of chaos is natural marasmus, like a carnivorous cow or not, a desert fish, absolutely incompatible concepts. All gods are natural enemies of chaos, they keep what the Creator created, rule, maintain order in their territory. Even if each of them has its own order. And Chaos is the destruction of everything, reading the entropy. At the same time, it turns out that the "fish" can not only live in the "desert", but also feeds on the sand. As far as I remember, the only serious manifestation of Darkness in this world can be considered necromancy and that is not sure.

What is the world?

Well, if I'm right and I haven't screwed up anywhere, it's Soleil or Toril, as soon as the name of the translators hasn't been taunted. However, I will only be able to verify this if I learn at least one of the local languages...

Having cut off the head of the last bandit, I return to a pile of bags and some rubbish that I had previously put on. The inspection showed that these are the looted goods: rolls of silk-like fabric, but ruder or something... Although thin, shiny and slightly translucent. Some herbs with a tart smell, but definitely not pepper or bay leaf, maybe a local analog of cloves? Several more bags contain strange nuts and dried fruits. If I understand something in history - the goods are expensive, but for me personally absolutely useless. Neither to sell nor to hide for the future, even to take away anywhere, here, except that, to itself cowards to sew silk and that where I will find a habitual needle?

I was a little luckier with the robbers, though I had to deal with undressing the corpses, but I endured nothing. I managed to find more or less decent leather pants and jacket, as well as boots of my size, although the latter were in the singular number, and very worn. I also found a cloak of dense fabric with a hood and something like a shirt (selected on the principle of the highest purity). In the medieval world with hygiene is generally bad, it is only in ancient Russia and Japan, and in "enlightened Europe", consider, until the nineteenth century, even the aristocrats washed once a year, and read - well, if one in a thousand could. One word - the savages. And this world is very similar to medieval Europe, judging by the shape of weapons and the style of clothes.

Speaking of similarity! I need to know what I look like, but there must be something here that can be seen as a reflection? Hmm... Curious... Do I reflect at all? Fairy tales are different...

With the search for a mirror, unexpectedly, or rather, very expectedly, it turned out to be quite tight. The surface of most of the swords with mirrors had not much more in common than the heel of a mammoth, forged helmets went to the same steppe. Some elite dishes, like silver trays, were not used for the same purpose.