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The princess who "deceived the time". Part 2.


Part 1.

And then the committee calls started. Oleg's name and the name of the chatty colonel were extracted from him and he was recommended to write a joking sequel to the article so that no one would take the discovery seriously. And after the rejection of his career as a journalist, he was put on the cross.

After the story about the Tisulskaya Princess was shown on one of the Russian channels in 2013, it turned out that in the same area were found two more similar, absolutely identical burials aged 200 million years. Besides the fact that the sarcophagus was sent to Moscow for research and that foreign spies searching for new artifacts appeared in the area, nothing new was reported in the program. Was all this secrecy created to protect Darwin's theory? Or did the discovery carry some ancient knowledge, not intended for wide publicity?

Who are you, princess?

Of course, the first version of the origin of the Tisulian princess was alien, but the results of genetic examination showed that the genome of the beauty coincides with the genome of modern inhabitants of the Urals. That is, many millions of years ago there was a similar nation on Earth? And the Tisul princess is a representative of our ancestors?

Another interesting hypothesis suggests that the princess is not a mummy, but a living being in anabiosis. Her hair says so. Only the lower part of the hair is braided in the braid, and the upper part is loose. The fact is that in the anabiosis of life processes continue to go on, only very slowly, that's the girl's hair for 800 million years of industry. And the reason for the increased secrecy of the artifact is the same box in the headboard and the composition of the embalming fluid. The latter can serve as an excellent preservative for transplanted organs in surgery. Or maybe it already does. There were also suggestions that the princess came to us from the future. Supporters of this version are based on the fact that the composition of the fabric of her dress does not correspond to any known material, ie, it is the technology of the future. For some reason, it was left in a state of anabiosis by those who traveled in time to then return for it. Anyway, today the Tisulska Princess is in one of the secret research institutes, whose scientists are trying to unravel her secret.

A guest from the future?

The most incredible version of the origin of the mysterious mummy belongs to Vadim Grishin, a parapsychologist from Novosibirsk. He assumed that the Tisul princess is not a man, but a biorobot, an exact copy of the representative of the ancient super civilization. Grishin believes that the age of the discovery is not more than 50 thousand years. And what scientists say about 800 million, it is because the sarcophagus was found in the coal bed, formed at that time. According to the parapsychologist, the best minds of the ancient civilization anticipated war and death of their world in advance. They cut through a deep hole, placed the messenger with information for descendants in it and reliably bricked it up. At a given time, the device, lying in the headboard, was to activate the biorobot. Most likely, it had both the power and the ability to get to the surface from such a huge depth. He had to pass on to people the knowledge and achievements of the ancient civilization. However, the fact that the sarcophagus was found and discovered before the appointed time, deprived humanity of important information. We can only hope that the bowels of the earth are kept by other sarcophagi-messages, and people will someday get the news from the depths of centuries. Most likely, it will happen when we learn not only to create but also not to destroy.