11. Another example of an unrecognizable eastern miracle is found on the roads of the Celestial Empire: the rules are regularly violated, and the pedestrian is practically not considered a participant in traffic, but the number of accidents is ridiculously small. Chinese drivers manage to part, brake and tack at exactly the second when necessary. It seems to be transmitted genetically.
12. Ordinary Chinese extremely rarely speak English or any other foreign language. The exception may be students, staff of expensive hotels or residents of megaprogressive cities such as Hong Kong. Get ready to explain yourself with gestures with the rest.
13. You can smoke everywhere. Though choosing noodles in the store.
14. The moment is delicate, but important: in a public toilet paper (if any) should be sought in advance somewhere in the washbasin area and right before you find yourself in the booth. This applies to the vast majority of Chinese institutions.
15. It is better to refrain from touching, the Chinese do not like this. Handshakes are accepted only for those who are used to working with foreigners and are familiar with their culture. If a business card has been offered to you, try to take it and put it as carefully as possible: the business card symbolizes a person, and respect must be shown to her.
16. Accepting an invitation from a Chinese, say, for lunch or even to stay in his city for several days, keep in mind: he intends to pay for you. To argue with him means to challenge his right as a hospitable host and generally do not give a damn about his soul. Better praise his efforts and generosity in every possible way and show sincere gratitude.
17. Going to a typical Chinese gastronomic institution, remember: there are no forks and never will be. Even if a meal with chopsticks is a difficult test for you, never do the following:
Do not stick sticks in rice (unless you are at a funeral).
Do not scatter sticks on the table - this is a disaster.
Do not stick your wands at a neighbor during a conversation - this is an insult.
Do not hit your teeth or cups with chopsticks - it’s an extremely bad tone.
Do not take food with the opposite ends of the sticks (it is difficult to mix up, but still).
Do not prick food with one stick.
Relatively permissible, but extremely amateurish, if you pierce food (for example, dumplings) with chopsticks in an attempt to finally bring it to your mouth.
No matter how much you suffer during such a feast, remember that your heroic attempts are, as it should be for a decent person, deeply impress your Chinese friends.
18. Many people consider the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire to be extremely impolite, and this is understandable: they are constantly pushing, climbing out of turn, twisting right through and generally behaving as if there are no other people around. Forget about the apology and come to terms with the fact that the Chinese standing in front of you in the line will find it very convenient to lean on you. They themselves comment on it this way: “Yes, we know that such behavior seems rude to foreigners, but they never lived in a country with such a large population. There are too many of us; "you will never take a seat on the bus, nor a good job if you think about how to be polite." Well, it's hard not to believe them and not sympathize when you see a similar photo of the entrance exam to an art school