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Happy children

Development and training of big movements of babies up to 1 year old.


Newborn baby, every day can only lie in bed, they are not idle, some baby will kick the bed board bang, as long as he is awake, he will keep kicking. With the growing day by day, the baby will turn himself in imperceptibly, and then a few months, he can sit up, and then, will climb, will stand, will walk, and then he ran up. How did these big moves develop? What is the order and regularity of the development of big sports? What should parent pay attention to in the development of children's big movements and how should they train their baby's big movements?

Which movements belong to the big ones?

Big action infants usually include turning, sitting, crawling, walking, running, jumping, drilling, throwing, throwing, climbing, etc., and, people's lives are inseparable from the big games, children after kindergarten, will learn to shoot the ball and skipping, jumping spring bed, the individual action in the living space is more precise and agile, through these training, children can hand, eye, foot coordination and coordination

After the child's school sports training including tumbling, crawling, horizontal bar, parallel bars and other items of action, muscle exercise can promote the development and control of neurophysiology, the child's body dry limbs become more powerful.

The ability to maintain their own balance of action and stability of a flexible action ability. Mainly training children on the balance beam to line, back, do a variety of postures and movements, or training children jumping, walking with point, rotating body. The ability to improve the balance of the individual also helps to accept a variety of sensory information.

Sequence and regularity of big moves development.

1. The first year after the birth of the baby is the stage of rapid development of sports, the first year at the end of most of the baby has mastered the basic movements of various sports. The development of large movements has a certain regularity, children within the age of development of large movements can be broadly summarized as follows: two lift, three turns, Six will sit, seven roll eight climbs July, one year old will go.

2. From the whole to the differentiation. The action of the newborn baby is systemic, generalized, generalization, further development of differentiation into localized, accurate, specialized. For example, the body of the newborns was frog-like, limb flexion on both sides of the body, if necessary, always the body movement, whether it is angry crying, or happy to laugh, and whether it is to eat milk, or want to sleep, always limbs waving.

3. From top to bottom. The first development of the early birth of the baby is related to the head movements, emotions facial expressions, chasing sound chasing people turned, foraging activities, followed by torso twisting, upper limb waving, lower limb kick, and finally is the foot of the action one by one.

4. From big muscle movements to small muscle movements. The first is the waving of the upper limbs, the kicking of the lower limbs, and only then the development of the ability of small muscle movements of the hands.

Baby big action training.

1 month, promote prone to rise, born half a month later, every day in the two feeding intervals so that the baby prone for a while, and use toys to attract the head, once a day, do not take too long, so that the baby is too tired. In addition, the bed is also not too hard, so as not to make the baby feel uncomfortable.

2 months, prompting the baby to his head upright, training baby turned. Hold the baby on the body, let his face toward the front, another person behind the baby suddenly left and right head, rattle or call the baby's name, tease him around his head, to enhance the control of the neck muscles.

3 months, exercise the muscles of the neck and chest, when the baby with the arms to support the forehead, adults can hold the toy in front of the baby's head, shaking around, attracting him forward, left and right three directions to see, the head lift higher, in order to exercise the baby's neck and chest muscles.

To the prone position, adults can hold the baby's side of the arm, gently pull to the other side of the body, in order to cause the turning action, at the same time, with a bright ring of toys on his side, to attract him to fetch, when the baby wants to take the toy, adults will gently push the arm to.

6 months, practice armchair. Baby supine, let his hands together hold the adult's thumb, adults hold the baby's wrist, the other hand holding the baby's head to sit up, then let him lie down, back in place.

7 months, exercises do not support sit alone, let the baby sit on a hard bed, adults do not give support to train their sit alone, exercise baby's neck, back, waist muscle strength.

8 months, training baby crawling, can be teased with baby favorite toy in the foreword.

10 months, training baby standing, you can let the baby leaning on the crib railing or mom with his hand holding the baby's armpit gently let the baby to find a sense of balance.

11-12 months, practice walking, you can use the walker, you can also use the walker, you can walk by the parents.