Chapter ten.
"Think about it, but even though the twenty-first century is out there, some people still believe in the existence of witches! There was a family in a small village, just like the rumor has it. She was accused of conspiring with dark forces, and for a long time, the family had to hide in an impassable place more often than the forest.
In spite of this secrecy, people were still able to find their home. They ruthlessly murdered a man and a woman and also murdered a little girl, apparently their daughter. It was not until a few years later that the family was recognized as having nothing to do with the dark power, buried in a cemetery near that village.
Now the existence..."
Alice couldn't stand it and closed the book right in front of Sonya's astonished eyes. Even two such small paragraphs caused boredom in the heroine.
- Why are you so angry today? - Sonia stomped with her foot. - It's a beautiful example of what you're learning that doesn't exist!
- It's not like that,- Alice said, -it's not like that.
After giving the book back to her, the girl slowly went to the locker room, where she quickly changed her shoes. When Alice left the school building, she saw someone else's shadow at the fence. The girl already knew who it was, so she ran up to her. Soon the silhouette could be seen. It was a beige cat.
- I'm a little uncomfortable that's how you meet me,- said Alice.
The cat tilted its head on its side with surprise.
- It's just that while I was waiting for you, the naive students were giving me all sorts of edible stuff,- she explained, -because I love to eat, and no one in the gang would get me anything to eat. So I have to do it myself, at someone else's expense.
The catgirl had already turned and ran towards the abandoned street, but Alice called her back:
- If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you alone. But not there... Maybe in the park?
The cat snorted irritably but obeyed. Having made two jumps, she immediately found a human look and rushed towards the park. Alice tried to catch up with her, chasing her as hard as she could, but still lagged behind.
- You're slow,- the blonde yawned.
Alice calmed her anger by sitting next to her. She took a bag of chips out of her backpack and handed them to the cat:
- Take it. A classmate had a birthday party. It's just that we have a tradition - a birthday boy gives treats to his classmates, and they congratulate him. But I don't eat chips, so you can have them.
- What a wonderful tradition! - The cat admiringly declared, greedily grabbing a bag from Alice's hands.
While the blonde ate the treat, Alice looked thoughtfully into the distance. Maybe there is no mystery in that letter at all? And just a threat in which a lie is written? Or is it still true? And then the heroine remembered Nijörga. Maybe it's worth telling the cat about that strange incident.
- Look,- the girl finally said, with more air in her lungs, -I had recently seen a strange shadow that called itself a supporter of the Lion. You know, maybe it just seemed to me, but I finally thought I'd tell you.
The cat stopped chewing chips with a mysterious smile:
- No, you didn't think so. He's the one who's putting these letters in our faces. We saw him, but he always had time to run away! Most likely, he was a man who was doomed in his life, and he had no choice but to accept the evil. Well, at least that's what the dog said. I tried to kill him once, but the spell bounced off him!
- So you can kill with magic? - Alice was surprised to ask. In fact, she just pretended to be interested.
- Yes, to kill,- the cat nodded. - It was the Snake that gave the name to the Soul Warehouse - Dead Death ability. After all, the stone can easily kill any person, and its owner will not get anything from it. But so far, I've only really used it once,- said the Cat, -a couple of years ago. But there is also the power to stop the death - the fee of life, by the way, also called the serpent. But the price for this interrupted death is huge. The pain passes to you. You will suffer for a couple of days, and then you will have a deep wound. Forever.
The cat is silent, making a sinister pause. But in fact, she just reached for the chips, which are just a few at the bottom. Quickly ate them, she cleverly threw the tutu in the trash can, hitting the target.
Beautiful summer. The kids were playing on the playground, laughing loudly. Parents watched their fun, remembering their childhood, which you'd never get back. Where did it go so quickly? And why can't you ever get it back?
- I'm very glad I met you once,- a short girl said, addressing her old friend.
The boy smiled. His kind green eyes glowed with happiness. Black hair developed a cool breeze blowing right into his face.
- You're the only one who understands me! - He laughed back. - I promise I will never forget you and I will protect you!
The girl laughed kindly, trying to hide her inner anxiety, which occasionally flashed into her heart. Sometimes it seemed to her that the boy was anxiously looking around as if someone was watching them. Gradually, fear swept over the little brunette, and she grabbed the boy's hand, screaming:
- Do you swear, do you swear that you will never?
- I swear on my own life! - The boy smiled kindly. - I always keep my word!
It seemed like a heartbreaking anxiety began to leave the girl, but then the rumor broke through the hissing. The boy suddenly fell to his knees, shrieking in pain.
- What is wrong with you? - The girl shouted frightened, running to him.
The boy still felt the pain, but he didn't see it. He could hardly get off the ground and turned to the girl:
- I'm fine! Just a seizure...
A friend smiled one last smile. The wind was developing his black hair like coal. The boy turned his back and quietly left the court as if nothing had happened.