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Tiredness is physical, tiredness is mental...


We tend to confuse physical fatigue with mental fatigue. We talk:

- "I'm getting tired;

- My head is splitting;

- "I have no strength for anything but lying on the couch;

- I want to cover myself with a blanket and not wake up for 24 hours.

We are tired morally

In fact, we get tired more often, mentally, morally. How can our feet get tired if we sit at the table all day without moving? The body asks for help, but not as a rest in a horizontal position. He will be helped by jogging in the park, cycling marathon, training in the hall. It may sound crazy for someone who barely crawled out of the office, but it is worth trying to do so - and the body will respond with gratitude in every muscle that sat down.

Larks are not owls

If you don't have time for sports tonight, you can cut it out early in the morning. Many famous people, heads of major corporations, get up before their colleagues and competitors.

Dan Akerson, General Motors. At 5 a.m., he is already calling the company's representative office in Asia, where the end of the day is approaching because of the time difference.

Tim Cook, Apple. At 4. 30 a.m. he disassembles the mail, and at 5 a.m. he already works at the gym.

Robert Eiger, Disney. At 4. 30 a.m. he reads newspapers, watches TV, listens to music and answers e-mails. Sometimes he does several things at once.

Howard Schultz, Starbucks. At around 5 am, he takes the next bicycle route with his wife. He's already at 6:00 a.m. in the office.

Andrea Young, Avon Products. At 5 a.m. you can meet her at the gym, and at exactly 8 a.m. she is awake and tucked up in the office.

These larks have time to work and work until the rest of the world is in bed, and to do personal business.

Expert point of view

Alexander Laryanovsky was a member of the top management team of Yandex. Under his leadership, the Turkish portal of the company was launched and successfully developed. Today he is known as a co-investor and managing partner in the project of learning English online Skyeng. He developed three postulates for entrepreneurs on how and for what to relax.

1. You need to train to turn your holiday into a quality skill. Nobody knows how to do this by nature or loses this skill.

Recreation gives the resources (internal) to achieve the set goal.

If you fight fatigue, you will lose a lot of energy. If you rest just for the sake of rest - they will be added.

According to Laryanovsky, rest should be radically different from what you have to do during the work process. So, watching a movie is not the best option for someone who already spends the day at the monitor. The goal is to accumulate impressions that are not in tune with what you can get in everyday life.

You have to be surprised

Irina Hakamada thinks you should be surprised on vacation. Take tickets to places you haven't been yet. Photographing what's amazing. To meet people who don't know a word in your language and be happy that they have found an understanding. This is not necessarily a costly and luxurious vacation. You can get a break in your own country house, in an abandoned monastery, in a nature reserve. The main thing is to leave the walls of the house and office. A change of scenery gives you peace of mind.

Basics for workaholics

So, let's summarize the above. There is a problem: we must learn to rest. There are examples to look out for: authoritative individuals, successful competitors. And there are rules that can be followed to expel from the body the feeling of chronic fatigue, annoying sleeplessness, and emotional oppression.

Have a rest before you are tired. Leave your strength for training, because you have already included sports in your diary. Energy should be spent not only on work.

Follow the work and rest mode, no matter how banal it sounds. That is, sleep, learn to get up at the same time (aerobatics, if it is possible without the help of an alarm clock), stop working at night. Determine your ideal number of hours of sleep: five, eight, ten.

Protect your nervous system. Eliminate the factors of arousal: take a walk before going to bed, take people who are irritating out of their environment, try breathing meditation. As you wake up, be prepared to enjoy the new day and the experience it brings.

Throw away slogans

Throw away the slogans "We only dream of peace", "Let's retire". Do not earn all the money. Health cannot be bought for any petrodollars. Let yourself relax, lose the burden of worries. Things will wait.