After breakfast, my father left immediately. Gathering in the hallway, he once again reminded Antonia that by evening all the things should be packed and packed.
Last night's events changed the parents' plans. My father decided that the family should leave today. He didn't say to take many things with him, assuring that it would be possible to return soon, but his mother put all her jewelry first in one of the small bags.
Antony collected clothes for Andry himself, as well as for Lisa. Shaking the wardrobe in his room, she muttered something constantly under her nose, as if she was afraid to forget.
Andri himself was indifferent to the clothes, but with special care chose what to take from his artistic reserves. Big sheets of paper and tubas with paint, of course, it is stupid to drag along. And here are some albums and simple slate pencils to take... He carefully put these things in his gymnasium backpack, adding a jar of ink and his favorite pen with a thin gold nib. After some thought, he also hid all his coins accumulated during the whole year in one of his pockets. To do this, he had to break his favorite porcelain piggy bank in the form of a ship...
Like everyone else in the house, he felt a strange unhealthy excitement, bordering on fear. And he really wanted to leave... After all, Alexander left the city, and his father promised to follow his family immediately.
Until the evening Andri could not find a place for himself. Even what was happening outside the window wasn't fascinating to him... Unlike Lisa, whom Antonia even yelled at, once again seeing that the daughter of the professor looks out from behind the curtain. Andrew found particularly entertaining neither noisy people with guns, nor the crew overturned by them near which the coachman lay motionlessly, nor zealous shouting about the power and people ...
He obediently sat in his room, but could not carry himself - neither drawing, nor books, nor conversations. He just climbed and down into a big, soft chair and thought-provokingly flipped through his old albums. And he thought about the summer... About the endless summer, which came to an end so suddenly and so wrongly. Even though it was still warm outside, it seemed that the carefree sunny days were a thing of the past. A room with closed windows sank in the twilight of darkness, and an incomprehensible longing crawled into her heart by itself.
The sky was covered with heavy clouds again, and that made the evening seem particularly gloomy. In addition, the curtains on all the windows, except the kitchen, overlooking the courtyard, remained closed.
And the main thing was that his father never came back...
When time passed for nine, Andri saw that his mother was crying quietly. He wanted to come and comfort her, but Antonia was faster - she had already served her mother a bowl from which the strong smell of Valeriana was spreading across the room in waves.
Where was Dad? Why is he so late?
Andrew himself was pretty nervous. Things had long been packed and put up at the door in the hallway, and the housewives dressed inexpensive clothes. And every minute stretched endlessly... And there were sixty minutes of such minutes per hour... But still, the hands on the big clock in the living room slowly made a circle after circle. Dinner was over, hastily assembled by Martha's crying. The cook was the worst of all - she stayed in the city. So my mother decided, confident that otherwise, her husband would completely forget about the need for dinner. And someone had to watch the house. Martha wasn't afraid of a coup d'état, but she couldn't have imagined a day without the professor's family, where she herself had been almost home for a long time.
Meanwhile, the evening finally entered into its rights. From the window of the kitchen, Andrew saw that the light in the rooms across the street was on. White nights ended... And at a late hour under the rainy sky, the city has already finally plunged into the twilight.
Andri always liked to be in the kitchen, especially since it usually does not hurt children. And now, when everyone was too busy waiting, no one noticed how the younger Goran slipped out of the living room and sneaked into this realm of fragrances. The kitchen smelled like dozens of different smells - bread, spices, smoked meat, sauerkraut... Andrew threw off his shoes and sat on a window sill with his legs. It was cozy here... And so calmed down the light of neighboring windows. Even it seemed that waiting was a little easier.
He probably dozed off, because his father's voice sounded completely unexpected. Andrew rubbed his eyes and quickly felt his feet in his shoes.
And I was surprised to see the professor shake his head negatively.
- But why?! - Vlad, who had already picked up her purse from the couch and was completely ready to go on the road, was astonished.
- All the exits the city are under control," my father said tiredly. In his words, he sounded uncovered bitterness. - And I wouldn't want that control to affect my family - his cheekbones had hardened unpleasantly.
- But... - Vlad mumbled complaining - but...
Continuation in the next part 28.