As you probably know, your cat loves you scraping it under his chin, playing with him, feeding him when he's hungry, but do you know what he hates ? There are some things cats hate. However, you might not have the slightest idea and regularly do something that is terribly upsetting and upsets your cat. To improve your relationship with your pet, in this article of anyhow, we will explain to you 6 things that cats hate and that will help you to better know your best friend and to live perfectly in harmony. Read carefully !
That's one of the things cats hate the most. Everyone knows it : you only have to try to put a feline under a stream of water to realize how much they fear it. But what is this ? Various studies have shown that the origin of this aversion to water goes back to the evolution of this animal. Cats are descended from wild cats from Africa, China and Europe, which lived mainly in desert areas where there is not much water.
In addition, they do not use water for their hygiene since they are very clean. In fact, they wash two or three times a day to eliminate the dirt that hangs in their hair. Their grating tongue is designed to remove all debris and they use it to heal themselves.
That's probably why cats hate baths and everything related to water. However, if you want more information, we invite you to read our article Why cats hate water.
Loud noises or sounds
Cats have extremely fine hearing. That's why they hate most of the loud noises or beatings that can happen in a house. They are actually alerting them and warning them. Remember that these animals are always on the lookout for the slightest movement, the slightest noise or anyone approaching them. This sense, very sharpened in them, should allow them to escape from a predator in case of necessity.
That is why, if you live with a cat, you should avoid putting music too loud, shouting or playing an instrument at home. They may experience stress, anxiety or depression. It is true that, in the long run, they can get used to certain sounds like the noise of cars or the alarms of certain household appliances like, for example, the washing machine or the dryer. Nevertheless, you should still reduce the noise at home to allow it to live as calmly as possible.
Car trips
Unlike dogs who like to get in a car, look at the landscape and even pull their head out the window, cats hate the car. The vehicle can significantly increase their alertness and make them extremely nervous. Remember that, in general, these animals have habits and they like to have some control over their territory. They also have a more or less established routine, which is why even the slightest change can make them anxious and nervous.
Don't forget that driving can make them nauseous because of the movement of the vehicle. In fact, many cats eventually vomit. So avoid taking him by car and, if you have to go to the vet, go on foot, he will be grateful !
Some smells
Cats and dogs have a very developed sense of smell although that of cats is not as fine as that of dogs. However, they have a better sense of smell than ours. For this reason, some odours that may seem very pleasant to us can be extremely unpleasant for them and disturb them deeply.
The scents that cats hate most are cleaning products, some indoor deodorant, the smell of coffee, tobacco, citrus, etc. If your cat sneezes every time it goes to a particular place in your home, it may be to get rid of the flavors scattered in this area.
Let's cut their claws off
Cats also hate it when their claws are cut off. Although this practice is really necessary, it makes them very nervous and it is not at all pleasant for them. It is not necessary to cut the claws of wild cats. Indeed, their claws are naturally worn since, given their way of life, they walk on all types of soil. We must, however, cut those of domestic cats to prevent them from hanging everywhere.
To avoid having to cut them, you can install a cat scraper in your house. He'll use it to nail himself, so you won't have to step in. But if they are too long, we advise you to have them cut by your veterinarian or to do it yourself at home. To find out how to do this, we explain how to cut the claws of a cat.
Caresses too strong
Cats are very affectionate animals and, at different times of the day, they can ask for your attention and affection. But don't forget that he's small compared to you. Their bones are also more brittle and they have less strength. So don't pet them too hard or play with them the same way you do with a dog. Vary the intensity and be gentle.
Remember that animals . That's why your cat loves that you caress him gently but, if you are a little rough, he will take it for aggressiveness and he will try to defend himself. Indeed, he will not take it as a caress but as an attack. So avoid being nervous and caress him gently and lovingly.
If you want to read more articles similar to 6 things cats hate, we recommend you check out the category pets.