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The advantages of sterilizing my cat

Are you planning to sterilize your cat ? This is one of the most common practices in domestic cats, improving their quality of life and preventing females from suffering from excessive heat. Many people oppose this practice, considering it an unnatural operation that deprives the animal of its most basic and primary instinct : procreation. However, sterilization offers many benefits to the cat you need to know about. In this article of anyhow, discover the advantages of sterilizing a cat to know if you want to operate your pet.
The health benefits of sterilizing a cat
Sterilizing a cat offers several advantages, both for the animal and for its owner. First of all, this avoids unwanted litters and reduces the risk of increasing the number of stray cats.
In addition to these obvious points, there are other very important advantages, as they allow the animal to have a healthier life.
Advantages for pussy
When you sterilize a cat, you allow it to reduce the risk of suffering from
diseases linked to its reproductive system: cancer, polycystic ovaries, metritis or piometrium. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer or nerve pregnancies.
Advantages for cats
In the case of males, sterilization reduces the risk of infections related to their reproductive system, especially in the testicular area. In this case, you save him from diseases such as cancer, prostatitis, perineal hernia, adenoma or prostate hyperplasia.
Advantages for his behavior
In addition to improving certain aspects of his health, sterilization allows to change the behavior of the cat : the animal tends to be more docile and calm, reason for which it must be given special food for castrated cats if you decide to operate. In this article, we explain how to feed a castrated cat to learn about your companion's new nutritional needs.
The production of sex hormones such as testosterone, progesterone or estrogen slows down with sterilization. This does not mean that cats no longer produce them, but that their production decreases and their behaviour changes immediately.
In males, many cats urinate outside of their cashiers to mark their territory and show that it is their place, a behavior due in part to sex hormones. When the cat is castrated, this behaviour ends up ceasing and the animal makes its needs in the space provided for this purpose. Moreover, it will be less aggressive and will protect its territory less.
In the case of Pussy, the sterilization makes them more relaxed, they no longer carry any interest for the males and are generally more affectionate with the people. In addition, the periods of heat will be spaced and will be much less violent (the heat comes every 2 weeks to some cats, who lose a lot of weight because they don't eat anymore and are in a state of intense stress).
If you would like to read more articles similar to the benefits of sterilizing my cat, we recommend you to consult the category pets.
This might also interest you : how to take care of a cat after the sterilization operation.