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What kind of women scare away men?


Have you noticed that some women, no matter how attractive and cute they are, have a relationship that doesn't stick? I'm sure it's not just once. And if so, it is not only in appearance, but rather in the spiritual features hidden in the hidden corners of the female heart.

A little snooping around these corners, a man quickly understands who he is dealing with, and runs away from the woman running (or at least departs at a safe distance), if faced with one of the types that we will consider below. I foresee standard objections like, "It's not a big deal about all your types - I'm just like that, and the men around me are wrapping themselves around it! But men are different, and their goals are different... And even if a woman now believes that the men who are interested in her are beautiful and wonderful, after a while she will be able to see the opposite.

Well, now let's move on to the types. Men bypass a woman if it is...

Type 1. A virgin in trouble is a character who plays the model of innocent victim's behavior without end. This woman will always tell the man about her unsuccessful relationship, about friends or relatives who betrayed her, about boyfriends who wrapped her around or changed her, etc., etc. Her style of dividing people into only two categories: good and bad. And at first she will classify many men as "Heroes". For a while, he will be able to feel "The Only Worthy" or even "The Savior".

But not for long. Usually every "Savior" after some time adds to the list of bad guys, about whom she will tell the next "Only worthy". Such women often dwell on their physical ailments, personal injuries and family troubles. It seems that she is only interested in one side of life, and she is not the brightest. It is obvious that after acquaintance, in the process of courtship people open up to each other, share their stories from life, and many of them do not do without painful memories. The only question is whether such women learn from traumatic experiences. Virgins in trouble enjoy the role of a victim and almost never talk about what they have learned from past mistakes and suffering. Their basic attitude can be described as follows:

"Everything and everyone comes into my life just to make me feel bad. When a man reads this design, he does not want to be next on the list of offenders and quietly dissolves on the horizon.

Type 2. Princess There are "right" and "wrong" princesses. Let's look at the second option and see what is inherent in such women. She considers herself above all. She treats people badly. With any. Waiters, staff, strangers and even her grandmother.

She behaves as if people around her are much lower in class, status and value. She almost never thanks you if you open the door, give her a coat or move a chair. For he is a serf, why should he say thank you? Everyone has to thank her. And all the more so are the men who have somehow begun to take care of her. An important feature of such a person is the fact that she directly requires a man to invest heavily in himself as proof of the seriousness of his intentions. The Princess has unrealistically high expectations about almost any man. Again, at first, on the first wave of courtship, the man can become her Prince, but in the end will still be in the category of "inferior" - it is only a matter of time. The man feels it and leaves the Princess in search of a more adequate person, able to show empathy to other people and, at least, an elementary courtesy. A normal man is not interested in suffering humiliation because of the Princess' painful desire to seem higher than other people.

Type number 3. Competitor The next female character, next to which adequate men do not linger for long - is a competitor. This lady has her own success in the first place. Communicating with her, the man constantly hears stories about her victories and achievements, while the life and successes of a man she is almost not interested in.

In her behavior of a number of trifles the general line is built up: she tries to receive some advantage both before the man, and before all other people who surround her. She is constantly in a state of competition, and not only external, but also internal. Her competition is captivating, as a result of which she radiates irritability in the background and is much more inclined to aggravate conflicts than to solve them constructively. The rival often uses flirting with other men to provoke jealousy of her current boyfriend. In this way, she wants to show the man that he is wildly lucky that she paid attention to him at all. Women like that enjoy other people's mistakes. Like some athletes (with "unsportsmanlike feelings"), she enjoys it when someone "goes off the course". She controls herself and wants to control others, but she has a great tendency to perfectionism, because maintaining herself in a "competitive form" requires self-discipline. A competitor can also be identified by the difficulties of expressing joy and pleasure, and even by such a behavior as excessive selectivity in food. In short, men next to such a woman will be very uncomfortable, and they will try not to stay close to her as soon as they understand who they are dealing with.

Type 4. Panichersha Drama and chaos - that's her constant companions. Her life seems to be woven from a series of problems and emergencies. And the task of a man is, of course, to solve them all quickly. I do not argue, for men it is a necessary factor of growth. But only as long as it has reasonable limits.

She runs out of gas in her car, she is evicted from her home, "ex" threatens her with reprisals, and her dog got his tail broken in the morning - and all this falls on a man with whom she is familiar for a couple of weeks. At the same time, she often misses 2-3 cups of feverish in the evenings, finds it boring to spend time without partying and alcohol, and her narrowed or dilated pupils resemble the eyes of crazy professors from the movies. To sum up, Panickersha is an object for great works and in general a person with numerous "stops", which can suddenly appear in the process of communication almost on a flat place. Obviously, the vast majority of men are not ready for this and will pass by, especially if Panickersha thinks that everything is okay in her life and there is no need to change. Conclusion It is clear that the four types described above do not include all the female types, which are not much in demand among men. But the most important thing in this area of relationship psychology we have covered. As a rule, men do not contact such women for a long time. A little fun in search of a more appropriate option - yes. Not for a long life together and creating a family. A man will not build long relationships with such women, because their characters signal serious personal disorders. The line between them is very thin:

The Virgo type in trouble and the diagnosis of borderline psychopathy; the Princess type and the clinical diagnosis of narcissism; the Panickersh type and addiction problems. Well, the competitor is just not a very nice person. I hope that you did not find yourself in the described types. Well, if there is something in your hands, then make every reasonable effort and work on the mistakes to more likely attract men who are determined to build strong long-term relationships and families.