Aw... (Sighs) My head hurts! What is wrong with me? What happened? Damn... There was a fight... I lost to that Nika! Damn it! What did she do to me! What happened? What happened? Why did the girl win? My head... Ah... I went up on my elbows and realized I was in my clinic. Great! My hand got sick again! It didn't go very well in a week. So... Stop! Nika was on the next bed. Nika? What is she doing here? The girl won. What happened? I do not understand anything! I barely sat down on a bed and could look back normally. How did the girl beat me? What caused me to pass out? She didn't do anything to me. Although...the girl had been reading books all week, and maybe she used some kind of spell. Yes... I think so. But how did she win? What did she do for that? What happened? She has no power! How? And now what? What happened to Nika? So! Wait! What do I care? She's probably moving away from the fight.
Suddenly the door opened and Luke walked in. The guy started talking right away:
- Oh! Max, you woke up! Somehow quickly.
- Did you want to see me dead?
My friend laughed at me:
- You're kidding, it means you're healthy! But we don't have time for that right now. We don't understand what happened to Nika. At first, everybody thought it was from a huge load, but it was a mistake. It's more complicated... much more complicated...
I don't understand. What about Nika? I asked:
- Well, what will you do?
Luke sighed and answered:
- Waiting for her to wake up... there's nothing else we can do... Emma is with George now. They think about what to do with Nika, how to help her. I don't think it's going to do much good.
Yes...our affairs are bad:
- How long do we have to wait?
What am I worried about? No, I'm just curious.
The guy answered:
- How much is needed, but we are not going to sit idly by! We have to act, but we would know how...
What should we do? I wonder... This girl is just a problem again!
It's evening, but nothing's changed since then. Yeah... But Luke and Emma were fighting again. That's how they behaved forever! Their behavior is getting tiresome! It all started with nothing! The girl said that George couldn't think of anything yet and said that we should just wait for now. Luke answered by saying how they could sit back. Emma didn't like the guy's statement. She said she was very worried about Nika and wanted to help her, and Luke was selfish and selfish. Her partner told her that he was tired of listening to it all the time. In the end, their scandal started to gain momentum, but I managed to stop it all in one phrase:
- Now is not the time for your quarrels, we need to do something about Nika!
After that, the guys calmed down a little bit but still looked at each other with evil eyes. Eh... Why can't they stop acting like that? Didn't they get bored? Emma, forgive him! Yes, and it's not Luke's fault! He even helped you then! As long as I know this guy, he's always helped you everywhere! Where's any of your gratitude! The good thing is, I didn't say it out loud, or it would have been worse. I know it's hard for Emma to live after she saw her own father killed. It's terrible... But don't take all your anger out on your friend... her ex-girlfriend, but Luke wants to fix it, he's trying. The guy can't stand Emma's attacks all the time! He also has feelings! Eh...why am I so nervous...eh... What happened to Nika after all? This is an interesting case. Sometimes it's the same... But my thoughts were interrupted by the strong clap of the door. We all turned to the one who broke our short rest. It was Rose. The girl had some kind of book in her hands. I've seen her somewhere before... Exactly! George let me read it somehow! Is there anything there that can help us? Rose began to explain it very emotionally:
- Here! This can help us understand what happened! George barely found it! There is something very interesting here! Look at this!
Emma and Luke were confused, but I quickly took the book from the girl and started watching. Rose started pointing where she wanted to look and said:
- Here! Look! It says here! It's very similar to our case!
I started to read carefully the lines that the girl showed me. It can't be... After reading it, my gaze fell on Rose, and she immediately realized that I guessed what she was hinting at. I don't believe... The girl understood me and said:
- Yeah, you got it right.
Emma got tired of these misunderstandings and she said:
- What are you talking about!
She wanted to say something else, but Rose started her explanation:
- You see, it's very similar to our case. Or rather, it's the only adequate explanation for all of this.
- What are you talking about!
These words belonged to Luke. The guy wanted to know everything. It was quiet, and I said quietly:
- The Light Mages of the Air...
The guys turned abruptly in my direction. They were surprised and scared. It was very serious...