Mink - a predatory animal with valuable fur, belonging to the family of kunyah. It lives by the riverbank. Spends most of his time on land. This animal is able to swim and dive well, as well as move around the bottom of the reservoirs, clinginging to his feet. The mink is capable of exterminating all kinds of rodents that threaten forestry and agriculture. Fish, frogs and shellfish are also included in the diet of mink.
The animal has a flexible body and a small tail. And mink fur is expensive, which is why animals are constantly being exterminated by humans.
Mink is European and American. The first of them is listed in the Red Book and has swimming eardrums on its feet. The American mink has insufficiently developed eardrums. However, its advantage is that its fur is thicker and the animal has a warm, lush undercoat of gray-black shade.
The European mink differs from the American mink in that it builds its own multi-pass house. In the main cell animals put dried leaves, grass, moss, bird feathers on the floor. Mammals go to the toilet close to the shelter. The American mink is not typical of building a dwelling. This type of animal often occupies the burrows of other animals.
Like all predators, minks protect their dwellings and are determined to invade. They have sharp teeth and can reveal the secret of a sharp unpleasant smell.
Mink is an animal that leads a nightlife. Animal marriage in the spring and autumn is the migration of the young mink generation in search of better places to live.
Today, mink is increasingly being bred on farms where animals are kept in captivity. Scandinavia, Canada and Russia are particularly active in animal breeding.
The mink belongs to a family of cunya with valuable fur.
There are European, American, Russian and Scandinavian minks. All species are predators and live in burrows near water (rivers, swamps). The European mink is listed in the Red Book, as it is a rare, endangered species. The most common is the American mink species, as it is more suitable for breeding. The Russian mink was bred from the North American mink. The Scandinavian mink comes from Northern Europe, but today it lives everywhere.
The most common mink colors are brown-brown, black, silver-blue and sapphire.
Mink is a wild, semiconductor animal, so it eats various fish, snails, snakes and frogs. With the onset of cold weather, the mink stores fish and berries in its home. American mink likes to eat crayfish instead of fish. Life expectancy of minks in nature is an average of 9-10 years, at home up to 15-18 years. Minks live alone.
At birth, they are small in size, they have no hair and eyesight. For life mink chooses quiet places (near the shores of small rivers or near a swampy lake). Often minks choose other people's burrows for living rather than dig them themselves. In a residential area they put down feathers of birds, dry grass, moss. There are always two exits in the hole and there is a place for a toilet. An animal can leave a mink only in the presence of hungry winter. Despite the fact that the mink is a wild animal, it is still suitable for domestication. However, in most cases, it only submits to one owner. It can be negative to other people (be it family members or guests). Minks are freedom-loving and have a negative attitude to the content in the cell. At home, mink can be fed with rice, buckwheat porridge, minced meat. It is also possible to eat all kinds of meat. Mink has a negative attitude towards other unfamiliar animals.
If you meet a cat or dog, you can throw yourself at your cat or dog. In most cases, cats avoid burrows themselves. To keep the mink from getting bored, it is advisable to buy a few toys for it. Regular mice will be fine, as long as they make some sounds (beeping, rustling).